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Marie Zlechovcova, PhD

E-mail: marie.zlechovcova@vscht.cz
Telephone: +420 220 444 387

UCT Prague – building B, room B49

Education, academical degree
2012 – 2019

PhD degree

Field of study: Food Chemistry and Analysis; Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition, Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, UCT Prague (Dissertation thesis: Study of biologically active compound by high-resolution mass spectrometry)

2009 – 2012

Master degree (MSc.)

Field of study: Quality and Safety of Foods; Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, UCT Prague (Diploma thesis: Determination of multiple mycotoxins in plant matrices)

09/2010 – 02/2011 - Erasmus Study Programme: Studies in Food Technology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

2006 - 2009

Bachelor degree (Bc.)

 Field of study: Food and Nutrition; Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, UCT Prague (Bachelor thesis: Fusarium mycotoxins in fermented foodstuffs)

Work experience
01/2020 – present Researcher at the Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition, UCT Prague
05/2013 – present Analyst in Metrology and Testing Laboratory (No. 1316.2) UCT Prague accredited by Czech Institute for Accreditation (ISO 17025:2018)
07/2012 - 10/2012 Erasmus Placement Programme: Scientific-research activities at the Center for Analytical Chemistry (CAC) of the BOKU Department IFA-Tulln, Austria

Research interests
Utilization of various liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry based instrumental techniques for target analysis of food contaminants (mycotoxins, alkaloids) and natural bioactive compounds (phytohormones, silymarin, phytocannabinoids), and for metabolomic fingerprinting/profiling.

ResearcherID/Publons: ABE-1628-2020
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9920-6110
Summary of publications

Updated: 6.3.2024 09:12, Author: Martina Vlčková

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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