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CV Schulzova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vera Schulzova

E-mail: vera.schulzova@vscht.cz
Telephone: +420 220 444 389
Web: web.vscht.cz/schulzov

 UCT Prague – building B, room B140

Education, academical degree
2010 associate professor in  food chemistry and analysis, UCT Prague
1998 PhD degree (Dr.) in food chemistry and analysis, UCT Prague
1988 master degree (Ing.),  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, UCT Prague

Work experience
1991 – present Department of food analysis and nutrition, UCT Prague (associate professor and metrolog of accredited laboratory)
1988 – 1991 postgraduate student Department of food analysis and nutrition, UCT Prague

Research interests
Chemical analysis of food and feed, analysis of biological materials and environmental samples; chromatographic methods in organic analysis, development and validation of analytical methods, quality control of crops from organic and conventional production; monitoring of biologically active compounds in plant and animal matrices; study of secondary metabolites with both positive and negative biological effects.

Nutraceutical and functional foods (CZ)
Liquid chromatography in food and natural products analysis (CZ
Control of Food Raw Materials and Commodities: Laboratory (CZ)
Instrumental Methods in Food Analysis: Laboratory (CZ)

Summary of publications
Vera Schulzova at Scopus
Vera Schulzova at Web of Science

Updated: 6.3.2024 09:16, Author: Martina Vlčková

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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