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Department of International Relations, 
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            [paticka_budova_c_popis] => Crèche Zkumavka, 
General Practitioner, 
Department of Economics and Management, 
Department of Mathematics
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166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre. [paticka_odkaz_mail] => mailto:Martina.Vlckova@vscht.cz [social_fb_title] => [social_tw_title] => [social_yt_title] => [aktualizovano] => Updated [autor] => Author [intranet_odkaz] => http://intranet.vscht.cz/ [intranet_text] => Intranet [logo_mobile_href] => / [logo_mobile] => [mobile_over_nadpis_menu] => Menu [mobile_over_nadpis_search] => Search [mobile_over_nadpis_jazyky] => Languages [mobile_over_nadpis_login] => Login [menu_home] => Homepage [zobraz_desktop_verzi] => switch to desktop version [drobecky] => You are here: UCT PragueÚAPV [more_info] => more information [den_kratky_4] => Thurs [novinky_kategorie_1] => UCT Prague Events [novinky_kategorie_2] => Important Dates [novinky_kategorie_3] => Student Events [novinky_kategorie_4] => Fun [novinky_kategorie_5] => Science [novinky_archiv_url] => /news [novinky_servis_nadpis] => News Settings [novinky_dalsi] => More News [den_kratky_6] => Sat [novinky_servis_archiv_rok] => News Archive [den_kratky_0] => Sun [novinky_archiv] => Annual Archive [zobraz_mobilni_verzi] => switch to mobile version [stahnout] => Download [den_kratky_1] => Mon [archiv_novinek] => Newa Archive [paticka_mapa_odkaz] => /basic-information/find-us [den_kratky_3] => Wed [den_kratky_2] => Tue [nepodporovany_prohlizec] => For full access, please use different browser. [den_kratky_5] => Fri [preloader] => Wait a second... [social_in_odkaz] => [social_li_odkaz] => [novinka_publikovano] => Publikovano: [novinka_datum_konani] => Datum konani: ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [15107] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [15206] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 15206 [canonical_url] => //uapv.vscht.cz [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [15204] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 15204 [canonical_url] => //uapv.vscht.cz [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [15205] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 15205 [canonical_url] => //uapv.vscht.cz [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 15107 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [15108] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [15207] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [iduzel] => 15207 [canonical_url] => //uapv.vscht.cz/home [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /home [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_novinky [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [73846] => stdClass Object ( [odkaz] => https://www.vscht.cz/research/research-profile/laboratories/testing-laboratory [iduzel] => 73846 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /testing-laboratory [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => redirect [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [49134] => stdClass Object ( [odkaz] => https://uapv.vscht.cz/?jazyk=en [iduzel] => 49134 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /dfan [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => redirect [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [16551] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Basic information [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

DEPARTMENT OF FOOD ANALYSIS AND NUTRITION is a part of the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology. The research projects are mainly focused on food and feed quality, authenticity & safety related issues; investigations concerned with the impact of environmental conditions on the human food chain are also included. Special attention is paid to studies concerned with food components interactions / breakdown which may result in changes of nutritional value and/or sensory properties. In the recent years, interdisciplinary ‘omics’-based research aimed at the assessment of in vivo / in vitro effects induced by biologically active compounds, both beneficial and toxic, has been initiated.

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Our Department contributes to teaching of following Study Programmes:


Bachelor Study Programme

Chemistry and Technology, specialization Food Chemistry and Technology

Our teachers participate in learning of following subjects of this programme:

2nd year

Food Chemistry (SIS or EMIL)

Sensory Analysis (SIS or EMIL)

3rd year

Analysis of Food and Natural Products: Laboratory (SIS or EMIL)

Human Nutrition and Nutritional Policy (SIS or EMIL)

Food and Natural Products Analysis (SIS or EMIL)


Master Study Programmes

Biotechnology and Food Science 

Our teachers participate in learning of following subjects of this programme:

1st year

Reaction Mechanisms in Food Chemistry (SIS or EMIL)

Special Food Analysis (SIS or EMIL)

Chemical Food Safety (SIS or EMIL)

Analysis of Bioactive Compounds (SIS or EMIL)

Control of Food Raw Materials and Commodities: Laboratory (SIS or EMIL)

2nd year

Isolation and Separation Methods (SIS or EMIL)


Doctoral Study Programme

Food and Natural Products

List of available PhD topics here 







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Expert services and/or collaboration within common research projects are offered in the following areas:


Development of advanced methods for analysis of multiple contaminants and their metabolites in food, feed, biological and environmental matrices; investigation of preventive measures and mitigation strategies:

  • Mycotoxins and natural plant toxins
  • Pesticide / veterinary drugs residues
  • POPs and other industrial contaminants
  • Packaging contaminants / migrants
  • Processing contaminants, antinutritive substances
  • Nanoparticles
  • ´Emerging´ contaminants


Implementation of novel approaches for characterization and classification of:

  • Metabolome / foodome: fingerprinting and/or profiling methods employing high resolution MS (ambient, LC, GC); advanced data processing; specific markers´ identification
  • Biologically active compounds: non-target screening for ‘unknowns’ in plants / microorganisms; identification based on cutting-edge mass spectrometric techniques; assessment of chemical cocktails in combination with bioactivity testing
  • Flavours / odours: combination of instrumental and sensory analysis; assessment based on the combination of comprehensive GC and olfactometry


TRAINING AND STUDY STAYS are offered to PhD students / postdoc young researchers interested in the above areas.

The UCT Prague closely cooperates with EU Reference Laboratories (EURLs) network in the field of QA/QC strategies, interlaboratory validation studies, reference materials and traceability of chemical measurements.

ACCREDITED TESTING AND METROLOGICAL LABORATORY’ of the Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition performs according to the International standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005; accreditation was provided by the Czech Accreditation Institute, signatory of the ILAC-MRA. For an external QC, the laboratory regularly participates in the proficiency testing (FAPAS, EU PT, IRMM, IAEA, etc.).

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                    [seo_title] => 2024 Publikace / Publications
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                    [obsah] => 

Publikace / Publications


1. Bechynska K., Sedlak J., Uttl L., Kosek V., Vackova P., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Metabolomics on Apple (Malus domestica) Cuticle—Search for Authenticity Markers. Foods (2024) 13(9): 1308. (doi: 10.3390/foods13091308)
2. Fuente-Ballesteros A., Brabenec O., Tsagkaris A.S., Ares A.M., Hajslova J., Bernal J.: Comprehensive overview of the analytical methods for determining pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their derived oxides in foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2024), 125:105758. (doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2023.105758) 
3. Kokalj A.J., Kolcikova G., Selonen S., Bosker T., Drobne D., Dvorakova D., Hofman J., Hurley R., Kernchen S., Laforsch Ch., Loder M.G.J., van Loon S., Redondo-Hasselerharm P.E.R., Saartama V., Smidova K., Tsagkaris A.S., Zantis L.J., Nizzetto L., van Gestel C.A.M.: Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils. Trend in Analytical Chemistry (2024) 172:117567. (doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2024.117567)
4. Kucerka O., Blahutova M., Kosek V., Minarikova P., Horacek J.M., Urbanek P., Maly M.: Exploring the Role of GDF-15 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case-Controlled Study Comparing Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis with Non-Inflammatory Controls. Metabolites (2024) 14(4) 185. (doi: 10.3390/metabo14040185)
5. Parizek O., Zavodna T., Milcova A., Drabova L., Stupak M., Gomersall V., Schmuczerova J., Jirik V., Topinka J., Pulkrabova J.: Personal exposure monitoring to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons bound to size-segregated aerosol. Atmospheric Pollution Research (2024) in press, 102122. (doi: 10.1016/j.apr.2024.102122)

Schusterova D., Horska T., Skalsky M., Stara J., Ourednickova J., Uttl L., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Three-year monitoring study of pesticide dissipation in pears. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2024) 126:105863. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2023.105863)


Skvorova P., Kulma M., Bozik M., Kurecka M., Plachy V., Slavikova D., Sebelova K., Kourimska L.: Evaluation of rapeseed cake as a protein substitute in the feed of edible crickets: A case study using Gryllus assimilis. Food Chemistry (2024) 441: 138254. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.138254)


Tittlemier S.A., Cramer B., DeRosa M.C., Dzuman Z., Malone R., Maragos C., Suma M., Sumarah M.W.: Developments in analytical techniques for mycotoxin determination: an update for 2022-23. World Mycotoxin Journal (2024) accepted (doi: 10.1163/18750796-bja10002)


Wojciechowicz-Budzisz A., Skřivan P., Sluková M., Švec I., Pejcz E., Stupák M., Czubaszek A., Harasym J.: Comprehensive Characterization of Micronized Wholemeal Flours: Investigating Technological Properties across Various Grains. Foods (2024) 13(1): 39. (doi: 10.3390/foods13010039)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 74468 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2024 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72089] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => 2023 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Ahmed B., Benes F., Hajslova J., Fisarova L., Vosatka M., Hijri M.: Enhanced production of select phytocannabinoids in medical Cannabis cultivars using microbial consortia. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE (2023) 14: 1219836. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1219836)
2. Behnisch P., Petrlik J., Budin C., Besselink H., Felzel E., Strakova J., Bell L., Kuepouo G., Gharbi S., Bejarano F., Jensen G.K., DiGangi J., Ismawati Y., Speranskaya O., Da M., Pulkrabova J., Gramblicka T., Brabcova K., Brower A.: Global survey of dioxin- and thyroid hormone-like activities in consumer products and toys. Environment International (2023) 178: 108079. (doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2023.108079)
3. Bušová M., Kouřimská L., Doležal M., Ilko V., Revenco D., Zare M., Matoušek J., Ferrocino I., Franciosa I., Smejkal P., Přeslička M., Prokešová M.: Fatty Acid Profile, Atherogenic and Thrombogenic Indices, and Meat Quality as the Effect of Feed Additive in African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). Applied Sciences (2023) 18(13): 10058. (doi: 10.3390/app131810058)
4. Ciglova K., Vondraskova V., Milcova A., Rossnerova A., Sram R.J., Topinka J., Pulkrabova J.: A Simultaneous Determination of Benzophenone and Camphor UV-Filters, Together with Metabolites of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, in Human Urine. Exposure and Health (2023) on-line. (doi: 10.1007/s12403-023-00554-z)
5. Cipryan L., Kosek V., Carlos J. Garcia Hernandez, Dostal T., Bechynska K., Hajslova J., Hofmann P.: A lipidomic and metabolomic signature of a very low-carbohydrate high-fat diet and high-intensity interval training: an additional analysis of a randomized controlled clinical trial. Metabolomics (2023) 20(1)10. (doi: 10.1007/s11306-023-02071-1)
6. Dvorakova D., Jurikova M., Svobodova V., Parizek O., Kozisek F., Kotal F., Jeligova H., Mayerova L., Pulkrabova J.: Complex monitoring of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from tap drinking water in the Czech Republic. Water Research (2023) 247: 120764. (doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120764)
7. Drabova L, Pulkrabova J., Hrbek V., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: POPs and PAHs in fish oil-based food supplements at the Czech market. FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS: PART B (2023) 16(3): 2200374. (doi: 10.1080/19393210.2023.2200374)
8. Ehlers M., Uttl L., Riedl J., Raeke J., Westkamp I., Hajslova J., Brockmeyer J., Fauhl-Hassek C.: Instrument comparability of non-targeted UHPLC-HRMS for wine authentication. Food Control (2023) 144:109360. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109360

Filatova M., Hajslova J., Stupak M.: Detection of saffron adulteration by other plant species using SPME-GC-HRMS . European Food Research and Technology (2023) published. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-023-04443-2)

10. Govarts E., Gilles L., Martin L.R., .....Dvorakova D., .....Schoeters G.: Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults: EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014–2021). International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2023) 249: 114119. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114119)
11. Gramblicka T., Parizek O., Stupak M., Pulkrabova J.: Assessment of atmospheric pollution by oxygenated and nitrated derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two regions of the Czech Republic. Atmospheric Environment (2023) 310: 119981. (doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119981)
12. Gregorová E., Nakonechna K., Ilko V., Zlatohlávek L., Doležal M.: Nutriční a senzorická hodnota alternativ masa. Výživa a potraviny (2023) 4(8): 6-9.
13. Ilko V., Sosnová D., Hrůšová P., Fišnar J., Czornyj Š., Doležal M., Nakonechna K., Réblová Z.: Loss of Vitamin E While Baking and Heating French Fries.  Applied Sciences (2023) 13(21). (doi: 10.3390/app132111965)
14. Krizkovska B., Hoang L., Brdova D., Klementova K., Szemeredi N., Louckova A., Kronusova O., Spengler G., Kastanek P., Hajslova J., Viktorova J., Lipov J.:  Modulation of the bacterial virulence and resistance by well-known European medicinal herbs. Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2023) 312:116484. (doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2023.116484)
15. Kulisova M., Matatkova O., Branyik T., Zelenka J., Drabova L. , Kolouchova I. J.: Detection of microscopic filamentous fungal biofilms – Choosing the suitable methodology. Journal of Microbiological Methods (2023) 205:106676. (doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2023.106676)
16. Maly M., Benes F., Binova Z., Zlechovcova M., Kastanek P., Hajslova J.: Effective isolation of cannabidiol and cannabidiolic acid free of psychotropic phytocannabinoids from hemp extract by fast centrifugal partition chromatography. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023) SI 415(19): 4827-4837. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-023-04782-9)
17. Merino I., Olarte Guasca A., Krmela A., Arif U., Ali A., Westerberg E., Kashinath Jalmi S., Hajslova J., Schulzova V., Sitbon F.: Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Identify External Conditions and Key Genes Underlying High Levels of Toxic Glycoalkaloids in Tubers of Stress-sensitive Potato Cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science (2023), 14:1210850. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1210850)
18. Nelis J.L.D., Schacht V.J., Dawson A.L., Bose U., Tsagkaris A.S., Dvorakova D., Beale D.J., Can A., Elliot Ch.T., Thomas V.T., Broadbent J.A.: The measurement of food safety and security risks associated with micro- and nanoplastic pollution. Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2023) 161: 116993. (doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2023.116993)
19. Novotna T., Sitarova B, Hoskova Z., Vaibarova V., Dzuman Z., hajslova J., Skupien V., Svobodova Z.: Tremorgenic mycotoxin poisoning in a dog: A case report. Veterinarni medicina (2023) 68(12): 483-489. (doi: 10.17221/82/2023-VETMED)

20. Nübler S., Lopez M.E., Castano A., Mol H.G.J., Müller J., Schäfer M., Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Dvorakova D., Urbancova K., Koch H.M., Antignac J-P., Sakhi A.K., Vorkamp K., Burkhardt T., Scherer M., Göen T.: External Quality Assurance Schemes (EQUASs) and Inter-laboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) for human biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) biomarkers in urine as part of the quality assurance programme under HBM4EU. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2023) 250: 114169. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114169)
21. Book “Smartphones for Chemical Analysis: From Proof-of-concept to Analytical Applications” edited by J.L.D. Nelis and A.S. Tsagkaris, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 101, 2023, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-443-13405-0
22. Paluch Z., Biriczova L., Pallag G., Chrbolka P., Vargova N., Marques E., Alusik S., Hercogova J., Hurkova K., Hajslova J.: Agrimonia eupatoria L. and wound healing. Journal of Herbal Medicine (2023) 42: 100765. (doi: 10.1016/j.hermed.2023.100765)
23. Parizek O., Gramblicka T., Parizkova D., Polachova A., Bechynska K., Dvorakova D., Stupak M., Dusek J., Pavlikova J., Topinka J., Sram R.J., Pulkrabova J.: Assessment of organohalogenated pollutants in breast milk from the Czech Republic. Science of the Total Environment (2023) 871: 161938 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161938)
24. Prusova N., Behner A., Dzuman Z., Hajslova J., Stranska M.: Conjugated type a trichothecenes in oat-based products: Occurrence data and estimation of the related risk. Food Control (2023) 143: 109281. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109281)
25. Purwidyantri A., Azinheiro S., Roldan A.G., Jaegerova T., Vilaca A., Machado R., Cerqueira M.F., Borme J., Domingues T., Martins M., Alpuim P., Prado M.: Integrated approach from sample-to-answer for grapevine varietal identification on a portable graphene sensor chip. ACS Sensors (2023) 8(2): 640–654. (doi: 10.1021/acssensors.2c02090)
26. Rempelos L., Baranski M., Sufar E.K., Gilroy J., Shotton P., Leifert H., Srednicka-Tober D., Hasanaliyeva G., Rosa E.A.S., Hajslova J., Schulzova V., Cakmak I., Ozturk L., Brandt K., Seal Ch., Wang J., Schmidt Ch., Leifert C.: Effect of Climatic Conditions, and Agronomic Practices Used in Organic and Conventional Crop Production on Yield and Nutritional Composition Parameters in Potato, Cabbage, Lettuce and Onion; Results from the Long-Term NFSC-Trials. Agronomy-Basel (2023) 13(5): 1225. (doi: 10.3390/agronomy13051225)
27. Ryparova Kvirencova J., Navratilova K., Hrbek V., Hajslova J.: Detection of botanical adulterants in saffron powder. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023) 415(23):5723-5734. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-023-04853-x)
28. Samolada S., Vasilopoulou D.G., Danezis G.PP., Tsagkaris A.S.: Confirming smartphone-based assay results using instrumental analysis in the book “Smartphones for Chemical Analysis: From Proof-of-concept to Analytical Applications” edited by J.L.D. Nelis and A.S. Tsagkaris, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Vol. 101, pp 277-295, 2023, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-443-13405-0. (doi: 10.1016/bs.coac.2023.03.001)
29. Sevenich R., Gratz M., Hradecka B., Fauster T., Teufl T., Schottroff F., Souckova Chytilova L., Hurkova K., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J., Rauh C., Jaeger H.: Differentiation of sea buckthorn syrups processed by high pressure, pulsed electric fields, ohmic heating and thermal pasteurization based on quality evaluation and chemical fingerprinting. Frontiers in Nutrition (2023) 10:156. (doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.912824)
30. Schusterova D., Mráz P., Uttl L.,  Drábová L.,  Kocourek V.,  Hajslova J.: Pesticide residues in fresh and processed edible mushrooms from Czech markets. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B (2023) 16(4): 384-392. (doi: 10.1080/19393210.2023.2259867)
31. Smid V., Dvorak K., Stehnova K., Strnad H., Rubert J., Stříteský J., Staňková B., Stránská M., Hajšlová J., Brůha R., Vítek L.: The Ameliorating Effects of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Liver Steatosis Induced by a High-Fat Methionine Choline-Deficient Diet in Mice. International Journals of Molecular Sciences (2023) 24(24): 17226. (doi: 10.3390/ijms242417226)
32. Stelzl T., Belc N., Cito N., Lattanzio V.M.T., Meerpoel C., De Saeger S., Alakomi H.-L., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J., Scheibenzuber S., Rychlik M.: European food safety research: An explorative study with funding experts’ consultation. Heliyon (2023) 9(12): e22979. (doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22979)
33. Stranska M., Prusova N., Behner A., Dzuman Z., Lazarek M., Tobolkova A., Chrpova J., Hajslova J.: Influence of pulsed electric field treatment on the fate of Fusarium and Alternaria mycotoxins present in malting barley. Food Control (2023) 145: 109440. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109440)
34. Tittlemier S.A., Cramer B., DeRosa M.C., Lattanzio V.M.T., Malone R., Maragos C., Stranska M., Sumarah M.W.: Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2021-22. World Mycotoxin Journal (2023). 16 (1): 3-24. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2022.2822)
35. Tomasko J., Parizek O., Pulkrabova J.: Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in T-shirts and socks. Environmental Pollution (2023) 333:122065. (doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122065)
36. Tsagkaris A.S., Bechynska K., NtakoulasD.D., Pasias I.N., Weller P., Proestos C., Hajslova J.: Investigating the impact of spectral data pre-processing to assess honey botanical origin through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2023), 119: 105276. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2023.105276)
37. Tsagkaris A.S., Louckova A., Polak J., Hajslova J.: Identifying edible plants with high anti-obesity potential: In vitro inhibitory effect against pancreatic lipase followed by bioactive compound metabolomic screening. Food Bioscience (2023), Vol. 56, 103453. (doi: 10.1016/j.fbio.2023.103453)
38. Tsagkaris A. S., Nelis J. L. D., Campbell K., Elliott C. T., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Chapter 8 - Smartphone and microfluidic systems in medical and food analysis, in the book "Microfluidic Biosensors" edited by W. C. Mak & - A. Ho Pui Ho, 2023, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-823846-2 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823846-2.00002-X)
39. Uttl L., Bechynska K., Ehlers M., Kadlece V., Navratilova K., Dzuman Z., Fauhl-Hassek C., Hajslova J.: Critical assessment of chemometric models employed for varietal authentication of wine based on UHPLC-HRMS data. Food Control (2023) 143: 109336. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109336)

Vrublevskaya M., Nguyenova T.T.M., Drabova L., Lovecka P., Vrchotova B., Matatkova O., Kulisova M., Kolouchova I.J.: Biodiversity of Vitis vinifera endophytes in conventional and biodynamic vineyard. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2023) 41(1):44-53. (doi: 10.17221/200/2022-CJFS)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72089 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2023 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72091] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => 2022 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Ambroz A., Rossner Pavel Jr., Rossnerova A., Honkova K., Milcova A., Pastorkova A., Klema J., Pulkrabova J., Parizek O., Vondraskova V., Zelenka J., Vrzackova N., Schmuczerova J., Topinka J., Sram R.J.: Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Response in Populations of the Czech Republic Exposed to Various Levels of Environmental Pollutants. Environmental Research and Public Health (2022). 19, 3609. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063609)
2. Drabova L., Dvorakova D., Urbancova K., Gramblicka T., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Critical Assessment of Clean-Up Techniques Employed in Simultaneous Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fatty Samples. Toxics (2022), 10 (1),12. (doi: 10.3390/toxics10010012)

Drabova L., Libenska L., Zednikova M., Vondraskova V., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Analysis of UV-Treated Mushrooms: Dietary Source of Vitamin D2 ? LC-GC (2022) 35(s7):35-38. (pdf)


Dragoun M., Klausova K., Simicova P., Honzikova T., Stejskal J., Navratilova K., Hajslova J., Barta J., Bartova V., Jarosova M., Bjelkova M., Filip V.: Formation of Previously Undescribed Δ7-Phytosterol Oxidation Products and Tocopherylquinone Adducts in Pumpkin Seed Oil during Roasting, Screw-Pressing, and Simulated Culinary Processing at Elevated Temperatures. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2022) 70(37): 11689 - 11703. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c03292)


Filatova M., Bechynska K., Hajslova J., Stupak M.: A comprehensive characterization of volatile profiles of plum brandies using gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. LWT (2022), 167, 113864. (doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113864)

6. Fiserova I., Trinh M.D., Elkalaf M., Vacek L., Heide M., Martinkova S., Bechynska K., Kosek V., Hajslova J., Fiser O., Tousek P., Polak J.: Isoprenaline modified the lipidomic profile and reduced β-oxidation in HL-1 cardiomyocytes: In vitro model of takotsubo syndrome. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (2022) 9:917989. (doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.917989)
7. Fisnar J., Reblova Z.: Vitamin E – Known or Unknown? Chemicke listy (2022) 116(5): 287 - 292. (doi: 10.54779/chl20220287)
8. Garcia C.J., Kosek V., Beltran D., Tomas-Barberan F.A., Hajslova J.: Production of New Microbially Conjugated Bile Acids by Human Gut Microbiota. Biomolecules (2022) 12(5): 687. (doi: 10.3390/biom12050687)
9. Jurikova M., Dvorakova D., Pulkrabova J.: The occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water in the Czech Republic: a pilot study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29, 60341–603. (doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-20156-7)
10. Kosek V., Hajsl M., Bechynska K., Kucerka O., Suttnar J., Hlavackova A., Hajslova J., Maly M.: Long-Term Effects on the Lipidome of Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients. Metabolites (2022) 12(2): 124. (doi: 10.3390/metabo12020124)
11. Kouba V., Hurkova K., Navratilova K., Kok D., Benakova A., Laureni M., Vodickova P., Podzimek T., Lipovova P., van Niftrik L., Hajslova J., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Weissbrodt D.G., Bartacek J.: Effect of temperature on the compositions of ladderane lipids in globally surveyed anammox populations. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 830: 154715. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154715)
12. Kouba V., Hurkova K., Navratilova K., Kok D., Benakova A., Laureni M., Vodickova P., Podzimek T., Lipovova P., van Niftrik L., Hajslova J., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Weissbrodt D.G., Bartacek J.: On anammox activity at low temperature: Effect of ladderane composition and process conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal (2022) 445:136712. (doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.136712)
13. Kouba V., Vejmelkova D., Zwolsman E., Hurkova K., Navratilova K., Laureni M., Vodickova P., Podzimek T., Hajslova J., Pabst M., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Bartacek J., Lipovova P., Weissbrodt D.G.: Adaptation of anammox bacteria to low temperature via gradual acclimation and cold shocks: Distinctions in protein expression, membrane composition and activities. Water Research (2022) 209,117822. (doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117822)
14. G.A.Koulis, A.S. Tsagkaris, P.A. Katsianou, P.P. Gialouris, I.Martakos, F. Stergiou, A. Fiore, E. I. Panagopoulou, S. Karabournioti,C. Baessmann, N. van der Borg, M.E. Dasenaki, C.Proestos and N.S. Thomaidis, Thorough Investigation of the Phenolic Profile of Reputable Greek Honey Varieties: Varietal Discrimination and Floral Markers Identification Using Liquid Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Molecules 2022, 27(14), 4444. (doi: 10.3390/molecules27144444)
15. Kourimsky T., Hrbek V., Steidl M., Hajslova J.: Analysis of MCPD and Glycidyl Fatty Acid Esters in Refined Plant Oils by Supercritical Fluid ChromatographyHigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. LC-GC (2022) 35(s7):28-34. (pdf)
16. Kvirencova J., Hrbek V., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J.: Authentication of Panax Ginseng‑Based Herbal Teas Using “Chemical Markers” Strategy. LC-GC (2022) 35(s7):20-24. (pdf)
17. Mol H.G.J., Elbers I., Pälmke C., Bury D., Göen T., Lopez M.E., Nübler S., Vaccher V., Antignac J.-P., Dvorakova D., Hajslova J., Sakhi A.K., Thomsen C., Vorkamp K., Castaño A., Koch H.M.: Proficiency and Interlaboratory Variability in the Determination of Phthalate and DINCH Biomarkers in Human Urine: Results from the HBM4EU Project. Toxics (2022), 10, 57. (doi: 10.3390/toxics10020057)
18. Navratilova K., Hurkova K., Hrbek V., Uttl L., Tomaniova M., Valli E., Hajslova J.: Metabolic fingerprinting strategy: Investigation of markers for the detection of extra virgin olive oil adulteration with soft-deodorized olive oils. Food Control (2022) 134,108649. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108649)
19. Nelis J.L. D. , Rosas da Silva G., Ortuño J., Tsagkaris A. S., Borremans B., Hajslova J., Colgrave M. L., Elliott C. T.: The General Growth Tendency: A tool to improve publication trend reporting by removing record inflation bias and enabling quantitative trend analysis. PLoS ONE (2022) 17(5): e0268433. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268433)
20. Nübler S., Lopez M. E., Castano A., Mol H. G. J., Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K., Schäfer M., Hajslova J., Dvorakova D., Antignac J.-P., Koch H. M., Huag L. S., Vorkamp K., Göen T.: Interlaboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) and External Quality Assurance Schemes (EQUASs) for human biomonitoring of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in serum as part of the quality assurance programme under HBM4EU. Science of The Total Environment (2022) 847: 157481 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157481)
21. Nübler S., Schäfer M., Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K., Markovic S., Markovic K., Lopez M.E., Castano A., Mol H., Koch H. M., Antignac J.-P., Hajslova J., Thomsen C., Vorkamp K., Göen T.: Interlaboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) for human biomonitoring of chromium as part of the quality assurance programme under HBM4EU. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (2022) 70: 126912. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2021.126912)

Pavlikova J., Ambroz A., Honkova K., Chvojkova I., Sram R.J., Rossner P. Jr., Topinka J., Gramblicka T., Parizek O., Parizkova D., Schmuczerova J., Pulkrabova J., Rossnerova A.: Maternal Diet Quality and the Health Status of Newborns. Foods (2022) 11(23): 3893. (doi: 10.3390/foods11233893)


Pohorela B., Gramblicka T., Dolezal M., Dvorakova D., Pulkrabova J., Kourimska L., Ilko V., Panek J.: Nutritional Quality and Assessment of Contaminants in Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) of Different Origins. Journal of Food Quality (2022) 2022: 9318889 (doi: 10.1155/2022/9318889)


Pohorela B., Polachova A., Ruzickova M., Dolezal M., Pulkrabova J., Panek J.: Nutritional evaluation of the full-day diet. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2022) 40: 118–129 (doi: 10.17221/273/2021-CJFS)


Prusova N., Dzuman Z., Jelinek L., Karabin M., Hajslova J., Rychlik M., Stranska M.: Free and conjugated Alternaria and Fusarium mycotoxins during Pilsner malt production and double-mash brewing. Food Chemistry (2022), 369: 130926. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130926)


Reblova Z., Aubourg S.P., Pokorny J.: The Effect of Different Freshness of Raw Material on Lipid Quality and Sensory Acceptance of Canned Sardines. Foods (2022) 11(13): 1987. (doi: 10.3390/foods11131987)


Rektorisova M., Hrbek V., Tomaniova M., Cuhra P., Hajslova J.: Supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry: an innovative one-run method for the comprehensive assessment of chocolate quality and authenticity. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2022) 414: 6825–6840. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-022-04246-6)


Rektorisova M., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J.: Nut and seed butters: lipid component quality and its changes during storage. European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248: 2531–2538. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-022-04067-y)

29. Schulzova V., Koudela M., Chmelarova H., Hajslova J., Novotny C.: Assessment of Carrot Production System Using Biologically Active Compounds and Metabolomic Fingerprints. Agronomy (2022) 12(8): 1770. (doi: 10.3390/agronomy12081770)

Smid V., Dvorak K., Sedivy P., Kosek V., Lenicek M., Dezortova M., Hajslova J., Hajek M., Vitek L., Bechynska K., Bruha R.: Effect of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Lipid Metabolism in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome and NAFLD. Hepatology Communications (2022) 6(6): 1336-1349. (doi: 10.1002/hep4.1906)


Steiner D., Humpel A., Stamminger E., Schoeberl A., Pachschwoell G., Sloboda A., Swoboda Ch., Rigg J., Zhang D., Greer B., Elliott Ch. T., Dzuman Z., Hajslova J., Gschaider A., Fechner C., Forstner L., Varga El, Jedziniak P., Pietruszka K., Rudawska A., Malachova A.: An Interlaboratory Comparison Study of Regulated and Emerging Mycotoxins Using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry: Challenges and Future Directions of Routine Multi-Mycotoxin Analysis including Emerging Mycotoxins. Toxins (2022) 14(6), 405. (doi: 10.3390/toxins14060405)


Stranska M., Dzuman Z., Prusova N., Behner A., Kolouchova I., Lovecka P., Rezanka T., Kolarik M., Hajslova J.: Fungal Endophytes of Vitis vinifera-Plant Growth Promoters or Potentially Toxinogenic Agents? Toxins (2022) 14(2): 66. (doi: 10.3390/toxins14020066)

33. Tittlemier S.A., Cramer B., Dall´Asta C., DeRosa M.C., Lattanzio V.M.T., Malone R., Maragos C., Stranska M., Sumarah M.W.: Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2020-2021. World Mycotoxins Journal (2022) 15(1): 3-25. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2021.2752
34. Timkina E, Drabova L, Palyzova A, Rezanka T, Matatkova O, Kolouchova I.: Kocuria Strains from Unique Radon Spring Water from Jachymov Spa. Fermentation (2022) 8 (1),35. (doi: 10.3390/fermentation8010035)

Tomasko J., Hrbek V., Kourimsky T., Stupak M., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Are fish oil-based dietary supplements a significant source of exposure to chlorinated paraffins? Science of the Total Environment (2022) 833, 155137. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155137)

36. Tomasko J., Maxa D., Navratilova K., Kourimsky T., Hrbek V., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Application of Liquid- and Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Dietary Supplements. LC-GC (2022) 35(s7):7-11. (pdf)

Tsagkaris A.S., Hrbek V., Dzuman Z., Hajslova J.: Critical comparison of direct analysis in real time orbitrap mass spectrometry (DART-Orbitrap MS) towards liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for mycotoxin detection in cereal matrices. Food Control 2022, 132: 108548. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108548)


Tsagkaris A.S., Kalogiouri N., Hrbek V., Hajslova J.: Spelt authenticity assessment using a rapid and simple Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) method combined to advanced chemometrics. European Food Research and Technology (2022) 249: 441-450. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-022-04128-2)


Tsagkaris A. S., Louckova A., Jaegerova T., Tokarova V., HajslovaJ.: The In Vitro Inhibitory Effect of Selected Asteraceae Plants on Pancreatic Lipase Followed by Phenolic Content Identification through Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-HRMS). International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) 23(19): 11204 (doi: 10.3390/ijms231911204)

40. Tsagkaris A.S., Uttl L., Dzuman Z., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: A critical comparison between an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-MS) method and an enzyme assay for anti-cholinesterase pesticide residue detection in cereal matrices. Analytical Methods (2022), 14, 1479-1489. (doi: 10.1039/d2ay00355d )
41. Vaccher V., Lopez M.E., Castano A., Mol H., Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K., Bury D., Koch H.M., Dvorakova D., Hajslova J., Nübler S., Sakhi A.K., Thomsen C., Vorkamp K., Göen T., Antignas J.-P.: European interlaboratory comparison investigations (ICI) and external quality assurance schemes (EQUAS) for the analysis of bisphenol A, S and F in human urine: Results from the HBM4EU project. Environmental Research (2022) 210, 112933. (doi:10.1016/j.envres.2022.112933)
42. Vacek L., Dvorak A., Bechynska K., Kosek V., Elkalaf M., Trinh M.D., Fiserova I., Pospisilova K., Slovakova L., Vitek L., Hajslova J., Polak J.: Hypoxia Induces Saturated Fatty Acids Accumulation and Reduces Unsaturated Fatty Acids Independently of Reverse Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle in L6 Myotubes. Frontiers in Endocrinology (2022). 13: 663625. (doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.663625)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72091 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2022 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72092] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => 2021 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Baranski M., Srednicka-Tober D., Rempelos R., Hasanaliyeva G., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Skwarlo-Sonta K., Krolikowski T., Rembialkowska E., Hajslova J., Schulzova V., Cakmak I., Ozturk L., Hallmann E., Seal Ch., Iversen P.O., Vigar V., Leifert C.: Feed Composition Differences Resulting from Organic and Conventional Farming Practices Affect Physiological Parameters in Wistar Rats—Results from a Factorial, Two-Generation Dietary Intervention Trial. Nutrients (2021) 13: 377 (doi: 10.3390/nu13020377)

Bechynska K., Kosek V., Fenclova M., Muchova L., Smid V., Suk J., Chalupsky K., Sticova E., Hurkova K., Hajslova J., Vitek L., Stranska M.: The Effect of Mycotoxins and Silymarin on Liver Lipidome of Mice with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Biomolecules (2021) 11: 1723. (doi: 10.3390/biom11111723)


Bechynska K., Kosek V., Zlechovcova M., Peukertova P., Hajlsova J.: Cannabis Metabolomic Data Processing: Challenges to be Addressed. LCGC (2021) Special Issues 34(s10): 11-15. (on-line)


Belkova B., Chytilova L., Kocourek V., Slukova M., Mastovska K., Kyselka J., Hajslova J.: Influence of dough composition on the formation of processing contaminants in yeast-leavened wheat toasted bread. Food Chemistry (2021) 338: 127715 (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127715)


Birse N., Chevallier O., Hrbek V., Kosek V., Hajslova J., Elliot Ch.: Ambient mass spectrometry as a tool to determine poultry production system history: A comparison of rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (REIMS) and direct analysis in real time (DART) ambient mass spectrometry platforms. Food Control (2021). 123: 107740 (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107740)


Blazkova B., Pastorkova A., Solansky I., Veleminsky M. Jr., Veleminsky M., Urbancova K., Vondraskova V., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Sram R.J.: Determining the Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Exposure on Cognitive Development in 5 Years Old Children: A Case Study in the Czech Republic. Recent Developments in Medicine and Medical Research (2021) 10. (doi: 10.9734/bpi/rdmmr/v10/14385D)


Bokšová A., Kazda J., Stejskalová M., Šubrt T., Uttl L., Mráz P., Jan Bartoška: Findings of herbicide and fungicide residues in bee bread. PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT (2021) 67(6): 343-352. (doi: 10.17221/135/2021-PSE)


Drábová L.,Mráz P., Krátký F., Uttl L., Vacková P., Schusterova D., Zadražilová B., Kadlec V., Kocourek V., Hajšlová J.: Assessment of pesticide residues in citrus fruit on the Czech market. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A (2021) 39(2): 311-319. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2021.2001579)

9. Dropa T., Dzuman Z., Jonatova P.: Mycotoxins in oat flakes – changes during production and occurrence on the Czech market. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2021) 39: 131–139. (doi: 10.17221/247/2020-CJFS)

Dvorakova D., Pulkrabova J., Gramblicka T., Polachova A., Buresova M., Hajslova J., López M.E., Castaño A., Nübler S., Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K., Klausner N., Göen T., Mol H., Koch H.M., Vaccher V., Antignac J.-P., Haug L.S., Vorkamp K.: Interlaboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) and External Quality Assurance Schemes (EQUASs) for Flame Retardant Analysis in Biological Matrices: Results from the HBM4EU Project. Environmental Research (2021) 202: 111705. (doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111705)

11. Gaca A., Kludska E., Hradecky J., Hajslova J., Jelen H.H.: Changes in volatile compound profiles in cold-pressed oils obtained from various seeds during accelerated storage. Molecules (2021) 23(2): 285. (doi: 10.3390/molecules26020285)
12. Gratz M., Sevenich R., Hoppe T., Schottroff F., Vlaskovic N., Belkova B., Chytilova L, Filatova M., Stupak M., Hajslova J., Rauh C., Jaeger H.: Gentle Sterilization of Carrot-Based Purees by High-Pressure Thermal Sterilization and Ohmic Heating and Influence on Food Processing Contaminants and Quality Attributes. Frontiers in Nutrition (2021). 8: 643837. (doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.643837)
13. Hajnal J.E., Kos J., Malachova A., Steiner D., Stranska M., Krska R., Sulyok M.: Mycotoxins in maize harvested in Serbia in the period 2012–2015. Part 2: Non-regulated mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites. Food Chemistry (2021) 317: 126409. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126409)

Jafari S., Guercetti J., Geballa-Koukoula A., Tsagkaris A.S., Nelis J.L.D., Marco M.-P., Salvador J.-P., Gerssen A., Hajslova J., Elliott Ch., Campbell K., Miglirelli D., Burr L., Generelli S., Nielen M. W. F., Sturla S.J.: ASSURED Point-of-Need Food Safety Screening: A Critical Assessment of Portable Food Analyzers. Foods (2021) 10(6): 1399. (doi: 10.3390/foods10061399)


Jezkova Z.,  Schulzova V., Krizova I., Karabin M.,Branyik T.: Influence of Cultivation Conditions on the Sioxanthin Content and Antioxidative Protection Effect of a Crude Extract from the Vegetative Mycelium of Salinispora tropica. Drugs (2021) 19(9): 509. (doi: 10.3390/md19090509)


Jiru M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Kohoutkova J., Schulzova V., Krmela A., Revenco D., Koplik R., Kastanek P., Fulin T., Hajslova J.: Potential of microalgae as source of health-beneficial bioactive components in produced eggs. Journal of Food Science and Technology (2021) 58(11): 4225-4234. (doi: 10.1007/s13197-020-04896-3)


Jursík M., Hamouzová K., Hajšlová J.: Dynamics of the degradation of acetyl-coa carboxylase herbicides in vegetables. Foods (2021) 10(2): 405. (doi: 10.3390/foods10020405)


Koudela M., Schulzova V., Krmela A., Chmelarova H., Hajslova J., Novotny C.: Effect of Agroecological Conditions on Biologically Active Compounds and Metabolome in Carrot. Cells (2021) 104: 784. (doi: 10.3390/cells10040784)

20. Kulisova M., Vrublevskaya M., Lovecka P., Vrchotova B., Stranska M., Kolarik M., Kolouchova I.: Fungal endophytes of Vitis vinifera – plant growth promotion factors. AGRICULTURE-BASEL (2021). 11(12): 1250. (doi: 10.3390/agriculture11121250)

Louckova A., Hurkova K., Hajslova J.: Characterization of Biologically Active Compounds in Agrimonia eupatoria. Chemicke listy (2021) 115 (9): 487-490. (on-line)


Maly M., Hajsl M., Bechynska K., Kucerka O., Sramek M., Suttnar J., Hlavackova A., Hajslova J., Kosek V.: Lipidomic analysis to assess oxidative stress in acute coronary syndrome and acute stroke patients. Metabolites (2021) 11(7): 412. (doi: 10.3390/metabo11070412)

24. Navratilova K.,  Hurkova K.,  Hrbek V.,  Uttl L.,  Tomaniova M.,  Valli E., Hajslova J.: Metabolic fingerprinting strategy: Investigation of markers for the detection of extra virgin olive oil adulteration with soft-deodorized olive oils. Food Control (2021), p 108649 (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108649)

Ovesna J., Hrbek V., Svoboda P., Pianta V., Kučera L., Hajslova J., Milella L.: Microsatellite fingerprinting and metabolite profiling for the geographical authentication of commercial green teas. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2021) 101: 103981. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2021.103981)


Panovská Z., Ilko V., Doležal M.: Air Quality as a Key Factor in the Aromatisation of Stores: A Systematic Literature Review. Applied Sciences (2021) 11(16): 7697. (doi: 10.3390/app11167697)


Polachova A., Gramblicka T., Bechynska K., Parizek O., Turnerova, Dvorakov, Honkova K., Rossnerova A., Rossner P., Sram R.J., Topinka J., Pulkrabova J.: Biomonitoring of 89 POPs in blood serum samples of Czech city policemen. Environmental Pollution (2021) 291: 118140 (doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118140)


Schmidt C.S., Mrnka L., Lovecka P., Frantik T., Fenclova M., Demnerova K., Vosatka M.: Bacterial and fungal endophyte communities in healthy and diseased oilseed rape and their potential for biocontrol of Sclerotinia and Phoma disease. Scientific Reports (2021) 11 (1): article No 3180. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-81937-7)


Schottroff F., Lasarus T., Stupak M., Hajslova J., Fauster T., Jäger H.: Decontamination of herbs and spices by gamma irradiation and low-energy electron beam treatments and influence on product characteristics upon storage. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences (2021) 14(1): 380-395. (doi:10.1080/16878507.2021.1981112)


Schusterova D., Hajslova J., Kocourek V., Pulkrabova J.: Pesticide residues and their metabolites in grapes and wines from conventional and organic farming system. Foods (2021) 10(2): 307. (doi: 10.3390/foods10020307)


Stranska M., Lovecka P., Vrchotova B., Uttl L., Bechynska K., Behner A., Hajslova J.: Bacterial endophytes from Vitis vinifera L. - metabolomics characterization of plant-endophyte crosstalk. Chemistry & Biodiversity (2021) 18(12): e2100516. (doi: 10.1002/cbdv.202100516)


Stranska M., Uttl L., Bechynska K., Hurkova K., Behner A., Hajslova J.: Metabolomic fingerprinting as a tool for authentication of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) biomass used in food production. Food Chemistry (2021) 361: 130166. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130166)


Stupak M., Filatova M., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Ethylene Oxide: An Emerged Contaminant in Seeds and Spices. LCGC (2021) Special Issues 34(s10): 5-10. (on-line)


Suk J., Hamouzova K., Hajslova J., Jursik M.: Dynamics of herbicides degradation in carrot (Daucus carota l.) roots and leaves. Plant, Soil and Environment (2021) 67(6): 353-359. (doi: 10.17221/46/2021-PSE)


Tittlemier S.A., Brunkhorst J., Cramer B., DeRosa M.C., Lattanzio V.M.T., Malone R., Maragos C., Stranska M., Sumarah M.W.: Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2019-2020. World Mycotoxins Journal (2021) 14(1): 3-26. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2020.2664)


Tomasko J., Stupak M., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Application of the GC-HRMS based method for monitoring of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in vegetable oils and fish. Food Chemistry (2021) 355: 129640. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129640)


Tomasko, J., Stupak, M., Parizkova, D., Polachova, A., Sram, R.J., Topinka, J., Pulkrabova, J.: Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in human blood serum of Czech population. Science of the Total Environment (2021) 797: 149126. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149126)


Tsagkaris, A.S., Koulis G.A., Danezis G.P., Martakos I., Dasenaki M., Georgiou C.A., Thomaidis N.S.: Honey authenticity: analytical techniques, state of the art and challenges. RSC Advances (2021) 11: 11273. (doi: 10.1039/D1RA00069A)


Tsagkaris A.S., Prusova N., Dzuman Z., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Regulated and Non-Regulated Mycotoxin Detection in Cereal Matrices Using an Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) Method. Toxins (2021) 13(11): 783. (doi: 10.3390/toxins13110783)


Tsagkaris, A.S., Pulkrabova, J., Hajslova, J.: Optical Screening Methods for Pesticide Residue Detection in Food Matrices: Advances and Emerging Analytical Trends. Foods (2021) 10(1): 88. (doi: 10.3390/foods10010088)


Urbancova K., Sram R.J., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Concentrations of Phthalate and DINCH Metabolites in Urine Samples from Czech Mothers and Newborns. Exposure and Health (2021) 14: 17-27 (doi: 10.1007/s12403-021-00415-7)


Vitova M., Stranska M., Palyzova A., Rezanka T.: Detailed structural characterization of cardiolipins from various biological sources using a complex analytical strategy comprising fractionation, hydrolysis and chiral chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A (2021) 1648: 462185. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462185)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72092 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2021 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72093] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => 2020 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications



Benes F., Fenclova M., Peukertova P., Binova Z., Dzuman Z., Hajslova J.: Determination of seventeen phytocannabinoids in various matrices by UHPLC-HRMS/MS. LCGC Europe (2020) 33(1): 8-16. Fulltext


Bhave A., Schulzova V., Mrnka L., Hajslova J.: Influence of harvest date and post-harvest treatment on carotenoids and flavonoids composition in French marigold flowers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2020). 68(30): 7880-7889. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02042)


Blazkova B., Pastorkova A., Solansky I., Veleminsky Jr. M., Veleminsky M., Urbancova K., Vondraskova V., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Sram R.J.: Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Exposure on Cognitive Development in 5 Years Old Children. Brain Sceinces (2020) 10, 619. (doi: :10.3390/brainsci10090619)


Budinska E., Gojda J., Heczkova M., Bratova M., Dankova H., Wohl P., Bastova H., Lanska V., Kostovcik M., Dastych M., Senkyrik M., Krizova J., Mraz M., Hradecky J., Hajslova J., Lenicek M., Podzimkova K., Chalupsky K., Sedlacek R., Cahova M.: Microbiome and Metabolome Profiles Associated With Different Types of Short Bowel Syndrome: Implications for Treatment. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition (2020) 44(1): 105-118. (doi: 10.1002/jpen.1595)


Cadkova Z., Szakova J., Mukhtorova D., Hlava J., Pulkrabova J., Balik J., Tlustos P., Vadlejch J.: The response of soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans on the sewage sludge-derived micropollutants. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2020) 384: 121468. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121468)


Cavanna D., Hurkova K., Dzuman Z., Serani A., Serani M., Dall´Asta Ch., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J., Suman M.: A Non-Targeted High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Study for Extra Virgin Olive Oil Adulteration with Soft Refined Oils: Preliminary Findings from Two Different Laboratories. ACS Omega (2020) accepted (doi: 10.1021/acsomega.0c00346)


Cerna M., Grafnetterova A.P., Dvorakova D., Pulkrabova J., Maly M., Janos T., Vodrazkova N., Tupa Z., Puklova V.: Biomonitoring of PFOA, PFOS and PNFNA in human milk from Czech Republic, time trends and estimation of infant’s daily intake. Environmental Research (2020) 188: 109763. (doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109763)


Ciesarova Z., Murkovic M., Cejpek K., Kreps F., Tobolkova B., Koplik R., Belajova E., Kukurova K., Dasko L., Panovska Z., Revenco D., Burcova Z.: Why is sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) so exceptional? A review. Food Research International (2020) 133, 109170. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109170)


Dzuman Z., Jonatova P., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Prusova N., Brabenec O., Novakova A., Fenclova M., Hajslova J.: Development of a new LC‒MS method for accurate and sensitive determination of 33 pyrrolizidine and 21 tropane alkaloids in plant-based food matrices. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2020). 412(26): 7155-7167. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-020-02848-6)


Fenclova M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Benes F., Novakova A., Jonatova P., Kren V., Vitek L., Hajslova J.: Liquid chromatography–drift tube ion mobility–mass spectrometry as a new challenging tool for the separation and characterization of silymarin flavonolignans. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2020) 412(4): 819-832. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-019-02274-3)


Hajnal E. J., Kos J., Malachova A., Steiner D., Stranska M., Krska R., Sulyok M.: Mycotoxins in maize harvested in Serbia in the period 2012–2015. Part 2: Non-regulated mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites. Food Chemistry (2020) 317, 126409. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126409. Corrigendum: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129524)


Hoang L., Benes F., Fenclova M., Kronusova O., Svarcova V., Rehorova K., Svecova E. B., Vosatka M., Hajslova J., Kastanek P., Viktorova J., Ruml T.: Phytochemical Composition and In Vitro Biological Activity of Iris spp. (Iridaceae): A New Source of Bioactive Constituents for the Inhibition of Oral Bacterial Biofilms. Antibiotics (2020) 9:403 (doi: 10.3390/antibiotics9070403)


Horska T., Kocourek F., Stara J., Holy K., Mraz P., Kratky F., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Evaluation of pesticide residue dynamics in lettuce, onion, leek, carrot and parsley. Foods (2020) 9 (5), 680. (doi: 10.3390/foods9050680)


Hrbek V., Zdenkova K., Jilkova D., Cermakova E., Jiru M., Demnerova K., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Authentication of meat and meat products using triacylglycerols profiling and by DNA analysis. Foods (2020) 9, 1269. (doi: 10.3390/foods9091269)


Huml L., Drabek O., Pohorela B., Kotikova Z., Umar M., Miksatkova P.,  Kokoska L.: Analysis of nutrients and compounds potentially reducing risks of overweightness and obesity-related diseases in raw and roasted Adenanthera pavonina seeds from Samoa. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (2020) 32(2): 100-108. (doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2020.v32.i2.2067)


Jonatova P., Dzuman Z., Prusova N., Hajslova J., Stranska-Zachariasova M.: Occurrence of ochratoxin A and its stereoisomeric degradation product in various types of coffee available in the Czech market. World Mycotoxin Journal (2020) 13(1): 97-107. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2019.2507)


Kos J., Hajnal E.J., Malachova A., Steiner D., Stranska M., Krska R., Poschmaier B., Sulyok M.: Mycotoxins in maize harvested in Republic of Serbia in the period 2012–2015. Part 1: Regulated mycotoxins and its derivatives. Food Chemistry (2020) 312: 126034. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.126034. Corrigendum: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129615)


Kosek V., Heczkova M., Novak F., Meisnerova E., Novakova O., Zelenka J., Bechynska K., Vrzacova N., Suttnar J., Hlavackova A., Dankova H., Bratova M., Daskova N., Malinska H., Oliyarnyk O., Wohl P., Bastova H., Cahova M.: The ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and oxidative stress in long-term parenteral nutrition dependent adult patients: Functional lipidomics approach. Nutrients (2020) 12(8) 2351. (doi: 10.3390/nu12082351)


Krmela A., Kharoshka A., Schulzova V., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: A Simple LC–MS Multi-Analyte Method to Determine Food Additives and Caffeine in Beverages. LCGC Europe (2020) 33(7): 327-335. Fulltext


Nelis J.L.D., Tsagkaris A.S., Dillon M. J., Hajslova J., Elliot C.T.: Smartphone-based optical assays in the food safety field. Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2020), 129: 115934. (doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2020.115934)


Pavelkova P., Krmela A., Schulzova V.: Determination of carotenoids in flowers and food supplements by HPLC-DAD. Acta Chimica Slovaca  (2020)  13 (1): 6-12. (doi:



Polachova A., Gramblicka T., Parizek O., Sram R.J., Stupak M., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Estimation of human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) based on the dietary and outdoor atmospheric monitoring in the Czech Republic. Environmental Research (2020) 182: 108977. (doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108977)


Rektorisova, M.; Hrbek, V.; Jiru, M.; Ovesna, J.; Hajslova, J.: Variability in S-alk(en)yl-l-cysteine sulfoxides in garlic within a seven-month period determined by a liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry method). Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2020) 75: 376–382. (doi: 10.1007/s11130-020-00817-z)


Rollova M., Gharwalova L., Krmela A., Schulzova V., Hajslova J., Jaros P., Kolouchova I., Matatkova O. (2020): Grapevine extracts and their effect on selected gut-associated microbiota: In vitro study. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2020) 38(3): 137-143. (doi: 10.17221/308/2019-CJFS)


Sabolova M., Zeman V., Lebedova G., Dolezal M., Soukup J., Reblova Z.: Relationship between the fat and oil composition and their initial oxidation rate during storage. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2020) 38(6): 404-409 (doi: 10.17221/207/2020-CJFS)


Sevenich R., Rauh C., Belkova B., Hajslova J.: Chapter 6 - Effect of high-pressure thermal sterilization (HPTS) on the reduction of food processing contaminants (e.g., furan, acrylamide, 3-MCPD-esters, HMF). Book Present and Future of High Pressure Processing (2020)139-172 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-816405-1.00006-6)

27. Tittlemier S.A., Cramer B., Dall´Asta C., Iha M.H., Lattanzio V.M.T., Maragos C., Solfrizzo M., Stranska M., Stroka J., Sumarah M.: Development in mycotoxins analysis: an update for 2018-2019. World Mycotoxin Journal (2020) 13(1): 3-24. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2019.2535)

Tsagkaris A.S., Migliorelli D., Uttl L., Filippini D., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: A microfluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD) with smartphone readout for chlorpyrifos-oxon screening in human serum. Talanta (2020) 121535. (doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121535)

29. Tsagkaris A.S., Uttl L., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Screening of carbamate and organophosphate pesticides in food matrices using an affordable and simple spectrophotometric acetylcholinesterase assay. Applied Sciences (2020) 10(2):565. (doi: 10.3390/app10020565)
30. Urbancova K., Dvorakova D., Gramblicka T., Sram R.J., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Comparison of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolite concentrations in urine of mothers and their newborns. Science of the Total Environment (2020) 723:138116 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138116)

Van Nguyen T., Viktorova J., Augustynkova K., Jelenova N., Dobiasova S., Rehorova K., Fenclova M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Vitek L., Hajslova J., Ruml T.: In Silico and In Vitro Studies of Mycotoxins and Their Cocktails; Their Toxicity and Its Mitigation by Silibinin Pre-Treatment. Toxins (2020), 12, 148. (doi: 10.3390/toxins12030148)

32. Viktorova J., Stupak M., Rehorova K., Dobiasova S., Hoang L., Hajslova J., Thanh T., Tri L., Tuan N., Ruml T.: Lemon Grass Essential Oil Does not Modulate Cancer Cells Multidrug Resistance by Citral—Its Dominant and Strongly Antimicrobial Compound. Foods (2020) 9(5):585 (doi: 10.3390/foods9050585)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72093 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2020 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72094] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => 2019 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Bechynska K., Daskova N., Vrzackova N., Harant K., Heczkova M., Podzimkova K., Bratova M., Dankova H., Berkova Z., Kosek V., Zelenka J., Hajslova J., Sedlacek R., Suttnar J., Hlavackova A., Bartonova L., Cahova M.: The effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the liver lipidome, proteome and bile acid profile: parenteral versus enteral administration. Scientific Reports (2020) 9: 19097. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54225-8)
2. Chatterjee N.S., Chevallier O.P., Wielogorska E., Black C., Elliott C.T.: Simultaneous authentication of species identity and geographical origin of shrimps: untargeted metabolomics to recurrent biomarker ions. Journal of Chromatography A (2019) 1599: 75-84. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.04.001
3. Choi H., Song W., Wang M., Sram R.J., Zhang B.: Benzo[a]pyrene is associated with dysregulated myelo-lymphoid hematopoiesis in asthmatic children. Environment International (2019) 128: 218-232. (doi:10.1016/j.envint.2019.04.052)
4. Drabova L., Alvarez-Rivera G., Suchanova M., Schusterova D., Pulkrabova J., Tomaniova M., Kocourek V., Chevallier O., Elliot Ch., Hajslova J.: Food fraud in oregano: pesticide residues as adulteration markers. Food Chemistry (2019) 276:726-734. (doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.09.143)
5. Eskola M., Elliot Ch. T., Hajslova J., Steiner D., Krska R.: Towards a dietary-exposome assessment of chemicals in food: An update on the chronic health risks for the European consumer. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2019) published on-line. (doi: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1612320)
6. Eskola M., Kos G., Elliot Ch. T., Hajslova J., Mayar S., Krska R.:

Worldwide contamination of food-crops with mycotoxins: Validity of the widely cited ‘FAO estimate’ of 25%. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2019) published on-line. (doi: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1658570)

7. Ezekiel Ch. N., Ayeni K. I., Ezeokoli O. T., Sulyok M., van Wyk D. A., Oyedele O. A., Akinyemi O. M., Chibuzor-Onyema I. E., Adeleke R. A., Nwangburuka C. C., Hajslova J., Elliott Ch. T., Krska R.: High-Throughput Sequence Analyses of Bacterial Communities and Multi-Mycotoxin Profiling During Processing of Different Formulations of Kunu, a Traditional Fermented Beverage. Frontiers in Microbiology (2019) 9: 3282. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03282)
8. Faltusová Z., Vaculová K., Pavel J., Svobodová I., Hajšlová J., Ovesná J.: Fusarium culmorum Tri genes and barley Hvugt13248 gene transcription in infected barley cultivars. Plant protection Science (2019) 55 (3): 172-180. (doi: 10.17221/21/2018-PPS)
9. Fenclova M., Novakova A., Viktorova J., Jonatova P., Dzuman Z., Ruml T., Kren V., Hajslova J., Vitek L., Stranska-Zachariasova M.: Poor chemical and microbiological quality of the commercial milk thistle-based dietary supplements may account for their reported unsatisfactory and non-reproducible clinical outcomes. Scientific Reports (2019) 9: 11118. (doi:10.1038/s41598-019-47250-0)
10. Fersahl M., Yankovych H., Studenyak Y., Bazel Y., Koplik R., Revenco D.: Combination of sequential injection analysis with an integrated [BF4]-potentiometric sensor for the kinetic determination of boron. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical (2019) 297: UNSP 126778. (doi: 10.1016/j.snb.2019.126778)
11. Fišnar J., Sabolová M., Réblová Z.: Relationship between tocopherols depletion and polymerised triacylglycerols formation during heating of vegetable oils. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2019) 36(6): 441-451. (doi: 10.17221/73/2018-CJFS
12. Humhal T., Kronusová O., Kaštánek P., Potočár T., Kohoutková J., Brányik T.: Influence of nitrogen sources on growth of thraustochytrids in waste water from the demineralization of cheese whey. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2019) 37(5): 383-390. (doi: 10.17221/172/2018-CJFS
13. Hurkova K., Uttl L., Rubert J., Navratilova K., Kocourek V., Stranska- Zachariasova M., Paprstein F., Hajslova J.: Cranberries versus lingonberries: A challenging authentication of similar Vaccinum fruit. Food Chemistry (2019) 284:162-170. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.01.014)
14. Jiru M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Dzuman Z., Hurkova K., Tomaniova M., Stepan R., Cuhra P., Hajslova J.: Analysis of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors as possible adulterants of botanical-based dietary supplements: extensive survey of preparations available at the Czech market. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2019) 164:713-724 (doi:10.1016/j.jpba.2018.11.007)
15. Jiru M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Kocourek V., Krmela A., Tomaniova M., Rosmus J., Hajslova J.: Authentication of meat species and net muscle proteins: updating of an old concept. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2019) 37:205-211. (doi: 10.17221/94/2019-CJFS)
16. Kana A., Loula M., Koplik R.,Vosmanska M., Mestek O.: Peak bordering for ultrafast single particle analysis using ICP-MS. Talanta (2019) 197: 189-198. (doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2019.01.030)
17. Kendall H., Clark B., Rhymer C., Kuznesof S., Hajslova J., Tomaniova M., Brereton P., Frewer L.: A systematic review of consumer perceptions of food fraud and authenticity: A European perspective. Trends of Food Science & Technology (2019). 94: 79-90. (doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.10.005
18. Kosek V., Uttl L., Jiru M., Black C., Chevallier O., Tomaniova M., Elliot C.T., Hajslova J.: Ambient mass spectrometry based on REIMS for the rapid detection of adulteration of minced meats by the use of a range of additives. Food Control (2019) 104: 50-56. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.10.029)
19. Lankova D., Novakova A., Svobodova V., Hajslova J., Novotny T., Dibusz K., Nic M.: Extensive literature search and selection for relevance of studies related to the chemistry and toxicity of glycoalkaloids and quinolizidine alkaloids in food and feed – Final Report. EFSA Journal (2019) 167(11): 1348E. (doi: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2019.EN-1348)
20. Logerova H., Tuma P., Stupak M., Pulkrabova J., Dlouhy P.: Evaluation of the burdening on the Czech population by brominated flame retardants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2019) 16(21) 4105. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph16214105
21. Loula M., Kaňa A., Koplík R., Hanuš J., Vosmanská M., Mestek O.: Analysis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Single-Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS): Parameters Affecting the Quality of Results. Analytical Letters (2019), 52(2):288-307. (doi: 10.1080/00032719.2018.1459657)
22. Navratilova K., Hrbek V., Kratky F., Hurkova K., Tomaniova M., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Green tea: authentication of geographic origin based on UHPLC-HRMS fingerprints. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2019) 78:121-128. (doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2019.02.004)
23. Nelis J.L.D., Tsagkaris A.S., Zhao Y., Lou-Franco J., Nolan P., Zhou H., Cao C., Rafferty K., Hajslova J., Elliott C.T., Campbell K.: The end user sensor tree: An end-user friendly sensor database. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2019) 130:245-253 (doi:10.1016/j.bios.2019.01.055)
24. Ojuri O. T., Ezekiel C. N., Eskola M. K., Šarkanj B., Babalola A.D., Sulyok M., Hajšlová J., Elliott C. T., Krska R.: Mycotoxin co-exposures in infants and young children consuming household- and industrially-processed complementary foods in Nigeria and risk management advice. Food Control (2019) 98: 312-322. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.11.049)
25. Paldrychová, M., Kolouchová, I., Vaňková, E., Maťátková, O., Šmidrkal, J., Krmela, A., Schulzová, V., Hajšlová, J., Masák, J.: Effect of resveratrol and Regrapex-R-forte on Trichosporon cutaneum biofilm. Folia Microbiologica (2019) 64(1):73-81. (doi: 10.1007/s12223-018-0633-0)
26. Pulkrabova J., Cerny J., Szakova J., Svarcova A., Gramblicka T., Hajslova J., Balik J., Tlustos P.: Is the long-term application of sewage sludge turning soil into a sink for organic pollutants?: evidence from field studies in the Czech Republic. Journal of Soils and Sediments (2019) 19: 2445-2458. (doi:10.1007/s11368-019-02265-y)
27. Revenco D., Vomackova M., Jelinek L., Mestek O., Koplik R.: Selenium species in selenium-enriched malt. Kvasny prumysl (2019) 65 (4) 134-141. (doi: 10.18832/kp2019.65.134)
28. Schusterova D.,  Suchanova M.,  Pulkrabova J.,  Kocourek V.,  Urban J., Hajslova J.: Can occurrence of pesticide metabolites detected in crops provide the evidence on illegal practices in organic farming? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2019) 67(22): 6102-6115. (doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b06999 )
29. Stiborova H., Kronusova O., Kastanek P., Brazdova L., Lovecka P., Jiru M., Belkova B., Poustka J., Stranska M., Hajslova J., Demnerova K.: Waste products from the poultry industry: a source of high-value dietary supplements. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (2019) (doi: 10.1002/jctb.6131)

Susakate S., Poapolathep S., Chokejaroenrat Ch., Tanhan P., Hajslova J., Giorgi M., Saimek K., Zhang Z., Poapolathep A.: Multiclass analysis of antimicrobial drugs in shrimp muscle by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2019) 27 (1): 118-134. (doi:10.1016/j.jfda.2018.06.003)

31. Svarcova A., Lankova D., Gramblicka T., Stupak M., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Integration of five groups of POPs into one multi-analyte method for human blood serum analysis: An innovative approach within biomonitoring studies. Science of The Total Environment (2019) 667: 701-709. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.336)
32. Szakova J., Pulkrabova J., Cerny J., Mercl F., Svarcova A., Gramblicka T., Najmanova J., Tlustos P., Balik J.: Selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the rhizosphere of sewage sludge-treated soil: Implications for the biodegradability of POPs. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (2019) 65(7): 994-1009. (doi:10.1080/03650340.2018.1543945)
33. Tittlemier S. A., Cramer B., Dall'Asta C., Iha M. H., Lattanzio V. M. T., Malone R. J., Maragos C., Solfrizzo M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Stroka J.: Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2017-2018. World Mycotoxin Journal (2019) 12 (1): 3-29. (doi:10.3920/WMJ2018.2398)
34. Tsagkaris A.S., Nelis J.L.D., Ross G.M.S., Jafari S., Guercetti J., Kopper K., Zhao Y., Rafferty K., Salvador J.P., Migliorelli D., Salentijn G.I.J., Campbell K., Marco M.P., Elliot C.T., Nielen M.W.F., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Critical assessment of recent trends related to screening and confirmatory analytical methods for selected food contaminants and allergens. Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2019) 121: 115688. (doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2019.115688)
35. Tsagkaris A.S., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J., Filippini D.: A Hybrid Lab-on-a-Chip Injector System for Autonomous Carbofuran Screening. Sensors (2019) 19: 5579. (doi: 10.3390/s19245579)
36. Urbancova K., Lankova D., SramR.J., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Urinary metabolites of phthalates and di-iso-nonyl cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate (DINCH) – Czech mothers´ and newborns´ exposure biomarkers. Environmental Research (2019), 173: 342-348. (doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.03.067)
37. Uttl L., Hurkova K., Kocourek V., Pulkrabova J., Tomaniova M. Hajslova J.: Metabolomics-based authentication of wines according to grape variety. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2019) 37(4): 239-245. (doi: 10.17221/82/2019-CJFS)
38. Vaclavik L., Benes F., Fenclova M, Hricko J., Krmela A., Svobodova V., Hajslova J., Mastovska K.: Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Cannabis Dried Plant Materials, Concentrates, and Oils Using Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detection Technique with Optional Mass Spectrometric Detection: Single-Laboratory Validation Study, First Action 2018.11. Journal of AOAC International (2019) 102(6): 1822-1833. (doi: 10.5740/jaoacint.18-0426)
39. Viktorova J., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Fenclova M., Vitek L., Hajslova J., Kren V., Ruml T.: Complex Evaluation of Antioxidant Capacity of Milk Thistle Dietary Supplements. Antioxidants (2019) 8, 317. (doi: 10.3390/antiox8080317)
40. Welten R.D., Meneely J.P., Chevallier O.P., Kosek V., Greer B., Hajslova J., Elliot Ch.T.: Oral Microcystin-LR Does Not Cause Hepatotoxicity in Pigs: Is the Risk of Microcystin-LR Overestimated? Exposure and Health (2019) pp 1-18. (doi: 10.1007/s12403-019-00336-6)
41 Wielogorska E., Ahmed Y., Meneely J., Graham W.G., Elliott C.T., Gilmore B.F.: A holistic study to understand the detoxification of mycotoxins in maize and impact on its molecular integrity using cold atmospheric plasma treatment. Food Chemistry (2019) 301: UNSP 125281. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125281)
42. Wielogorska E., Mooney M., Eskola M., Ezekiel Ch., Stranska M., Krska R., Elliott Ch.: Occurrence and Human Health Impacts of Exposure to Mycotoxins in Somalia. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry (2019) 67(7):2052-2060. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b05141)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72094 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2019 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72104] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2018 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2018 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Belkova B., Hradecky J., Hurkova K., Forstova V., Vaclavik L., Hajslova J.: Impact of vacuum frying on quality of potato crisps and frying oil. Food Chemistry (2018) 241: 51-59. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.08.062)

Berthiller F., Cramer B., Iha M.H., Krska R., Lattanzio V.M.T., MacDonald S., Malone R.J., Maragos C., Solfrizzo M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Stroka J., Tittlemier S.A.: Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2016-2017. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2017.2250)

3. Ezekiel Ch. N., Ayeni K. I., Ezeokoli O. T., Sulyok M., van Wyk D. A., Oyedele O. A., Akinyemi O. M., Chibuzor-Onyema I. E., Adeleke R. A., Nwangburuka C. C., Hajslova J., Elliott Ch. T., Krska R.: High-Throughput Sequence Analyses of Bacterial Communities and Multimycotoxin Profiling During Processing of Different Formulations of Kunu. A Traditional Beverage. Frontiers in Microbiology (2018) 9:3282. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03282)
4. Fisnar J., Sabolova M., Reblova Z.: Relationship Between Tocopherols Depletion and Polymerised Triacylglycerols Formation During Heating of Vegetable Oils. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2018) 36(6): 441-451. (doi: 10.17221/73/2018-CJFS)

Gracka A., Majcher M., Kludská E., Hradecky J., Hajslov J., Jelen H.H.: Storage-Induced Changes in Volatile Compounds in Argan Oils Obtained  rom Raw and Roasted Kernels. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (2018) 95 (12): 1475-1485. (doi: 10.1002/aocs.12148)


Hanus O., Krizova L., Hajslova J., Lojza J., Klimesova M., Janu L., Roubal P., Kopecky J., Jedelska R.: Effect of Increasing Zearalenone Levels on the Coagulation Properties of Milk and the Viability of Yogurt Bacteria. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2018) 36(4): 277-283. (doi: 10.17221/391/2017-CJFS)

7. Hrbek, V., Rektorisova, M., Chmelarova, H., Ovesna, J., Hajslova, J.: Authenticity assessment of garlic using a metabolomic approach based on high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2018) 67: 19-28. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2017.12.020)
8. Koplik R., Prugar J., Davidek J.: Other toxic compounds. Natural Toxic Compounds of Food (2018) 143-163. (doi: 10.1201/9781351074933)
9. Kouřimská L., Čítek J., Zadinová K, Okrouhlá M. Panovská Z., Yunus Khatri Y., Stupka R.:  Sensory Quality of Meat from Crossbred Boars in Relation to their Age and Slaughter Weight. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2018) 36 (5): 415-419. (doi: 10.17221/151/2018-CJFS)

Kyselka J., Matějková K., Šmidrkal J., Berčíková M., Pešek E., Bělková B., Ilko V., Doležal M., Filip V.: Elimination of 3-MCPD fatty acid esters and glycidyl esters during palm oil hydrogenation and wet fractionation. European Food Research and Technology (2018) 244 (11):1887-1895. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-018-3101-9 )


Malachová A., Stránská M., Václavíková M., Elliott C.T., Black C., Meneely J., Hajšlová J., Ezekiel C.N., Schuhmacher R., Krska R.: Advanced LC–MS-based methods to study the co-occurrence and metabolization of multiple mycotoxins in cereals and cereal-based food. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2018) 410 (3): 801-825. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0750-7)


Meneely J.P., Hajšlová J., Krska R., Elliott C.T.: Assessing the combined toxicity of the natural toxins, aflatoxin B1, fumonisin B1 and microcystin-LR by high content analysis. Food and Chemical Toxicology. (2018) 121: 527-540. (doi:10.1016/j.fct.2018.09.052)

13. Novotny C., Schulzova V., Krmela A., Hajslova J., Svobodova K., Koudela M.: Ascorbic Acid and Glucosinolate Levels in New Czech Cabbage Cultivars: Effect of Production System and Fungal Infection. Molecules (2018) 23(8): 1855. (doi: 10.3390/molecules23081855)  
14. Ojuri O. T., Ezekiel N. C., Sulyok M., Ezeokoli O. T., Oyedele O. A., Ayeni K. I., Eskola M. K., Šarkanj B., Hajslova J., Adeleke R. A., Nwangburuka C. C., Elliott C. T., Krska R.: Assessing the mycotoxicological risk from consumption of complementary foods by infants and young children in Nigeria. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2018) 121:37-50. (doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2018.08.025)

Prchal M., Vandeputte M., Gela D., Doležal M., Buchtová H., Rodina M., Flajšhans M., Kocour M.: Estimation of genetic parameters of fatty acids composition in flesh of market size common carp (cyprinus carpio L.) and their relation to performance traits revealed that selective breeding can indirectly affect flesh quality. Czech Journal of Animal Science (2018) 63 (7): 280-291. (doi: 10.17221/30/2018-CJAS)

16. Richterova D., Fabelova L., Patayova H., Pulkrabova J., Lankova D., Rausova K., Sovcikova E., Stencl J., Hajslova J., Trnovec T., Palkovicova Murinova L.: Determinants of prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in the Slovak birth cohort. Environment International (2018) 121 (2):1304-1310. (doi:10.1016/j.envint.2018.10.051)
17. Righetti L., Fenclova M., Dellafiora L., Hajslova J., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Dall'Asta Ch.: High resolution-ion mobility mass spectrometry as an additional powerful tool for structural characterization of mycotoxin metabolites.  Food Chemistry (2018) 245: 768-774. (doi: org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.11.113) 
18. Righetti L., Rubert J., Galaverna G., Hurkova K., Dall'Asta C., Hajslova J., Stranska-Zachariasova M.: A novel approach based on untargeted lipidomics reveals differences in the lipid pattern among durum and common wheat. Food Chemistry (2018) 240: 775-783. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.08.020)

Rubert J., Hurkova K., Stranska M., Hajslova J.: Untargeted metabolomics reveals links between Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.) and its geographical origin by metabolome changes associated with membrane lipids. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A(2018) 35 (4): 605–613. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2017.1400694)

20. Sabolová M., Czornyj Š., Fišnar J., Doležal M., Sosnová M., Matějková K., Réblová Z.: Tocochromanol content in commercially prepared fried foods. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2018) 36 (5): 392-402. (doi: 10.17221/143/2018-CJFS)

Stejskalova M., Konradyova V., Suchanova M., Kazda J.: Is pollinator visitation of Helianthus annuus (sunflower) influenced by cultivar or pesticide treatment?  Crop Protection (2018) 114: 83-89. (doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2018.08.018


Stupak M., Goodall I., Tomaniova M., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: A novel approach to assess the quality and authenticity of Scotch Whisky based on gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta (2018) 1042:60-70. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.09.017


Suk J., Jursik M., Suchanova M., Schusterova D., Hamouzova K.: Dynamics of herbicide degradation in cauliflower. Plant, Soil and Environment (2018) 64(11):551-556. (doi:10.17221/312/2018-PSE)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72104 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2018 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72105] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2017 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2017 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Berthiller F., Brera C.,  Iha M.H., Krska R., Lattanzio V.M.T., MacDonald S.,  Malone R.J.,  Maragos C., Solfrizzo M., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Stroka J., Tittlemier S.A.: Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2015-2016, Review Article. World Mycotoxin Journal (2017) 10 (1): 5-29. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2016.2138)
2. Bhave A., Schulzova V., Chmelarova H., Mrnka L., Hajslova J.: Assessment of the rosehips based on their biologically active compound content. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2017) 25 (3): 681-690. (doi: 10.1016/j.jfda.2016.12.019 )
3. Gbelcová H., Rimpelová S., Ruml T., Fenclová M., Kosek V., Hajšlová J., Strnad H., Kolár M., Vítek L.: Variability in statin-induced changes in gene expression profiles of pancreatic cancer. Scientific Reports (2017) 7: 44219. (doi: 10.1038/srep44219)
4. Gracka A., Raczyk M., Hradecky J., Hajslova J., Jeziorski S., Karlovits G., Michalak B., Bąk N. and Jeleń H.: Volatile compounds and other indicators of quality for cold-pressed rapeseed oils obtained from peeled, whole, flaked, and roasted seeds. European Journal of Lipid Science Technology (2017) 119 (10): . (doi:10.1002/ejlt.201600328)

Hradecky J., Kludska E., Belkova B., Wagner M., Hajslova, J.: Ohmic heating: A promising technology to reduce furan formation in sterilized vegetable and vegetable/meat baby foods. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies (2017) 43: 1-6. (doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2017.07.018

6. Hrbek V., Krtkova V., Rubert J., Chmelarova H., Demnerova K., Ovesna J., Hajslova J.: Metabolomic Strategies Based on High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Recognition of GMO (MON 89788 Variety) and Non-GMO Soybean: a Critical Assessment of Two Complementary Methods. Food Analytical Methods (2017), 10 (11): 3723-3737. (doi: 10.1007/s12161-017-0929-8)
7.  Humhal T., Kastanek P., Jezkova Z., Cadkova A., Kohoutkova J., Branyik T.: Use of saline waste water from demineralization of cheese whey for cultivation of Schizochytrium limacinum PA-968 and Japonochytrium marinum AN-4. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2017) 40 (3): 395-402. (doi: 10.1007/s00449-016-1707-5)
8. Hurkova K.,  Rubert J.,  Stranska-Zachariasova M.,  Hajslova J.: Strategies to Document Adulteration of Food Supplement Based on Sea Buckthorn Oil: a Case Study.  Food Analytical Methods (2017) 10 (5): 1317-1327. (doi: 10.1007/s12161-016-0674-4)
9. Jursik M., Kovacova J., Kocarek M., Hamouzova K., Soukup J.: Effect of a non-woven fabric covering on the residual activity of pendimethalin in lettuce and soil. Pest Management Science (2017) 73 (5): 1024-1030. (doi: 10.1002/ps.4421)
10. Kahl J. ,  Busscher N.,  Doesburg P.,  Mergardt G.,  Will F.,  Schulzova V.,  Hajslova J.,  Ploeger A.: Application of Crystallization with Additives to Cloudy and Clear Apple Juice. Food Analytical Methods (2017) 10 (1): 247-255. (doi: 10.1007/s12161-016-0575-6)
11. Kocourek F., Stará J., Holý K., Horská T., Kocourek V., Kováčová J., Kohoutková J., Suchanová M.,  Hajšlová J.: Evaluation of pesticide residue dynamics in Chinese cabbage, head cabbage and cauliflower. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A (2017) 34 (6): 980-989. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2017.1311419)         
12. Kosek V., Stránská M., Fenclová M., Ruml T., Vítek L., Hajšlová J.: High resolution mass spectrometry based method applicable for a wide range of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors in blood serum including intermediates and products of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Journal of Chromatography A (2017) 1489: 86-94. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.01.084 )
13. Nguyen D., Novakova A., Spurna K., Hricko J., Phung H., Viktorova J., Stranska M., Hajslova J., Ruml T.: Antidiabetic Compounds in Stem Juice from Banana. Journal of Food Science (2017) 35 (5): 407 - 413. (doi: 10.17221/172/2017-CJFS)

Poapolathep S., Tanhan P., Piasai O., Imsilp K., Hajslova J., Giorgi M., Kumagai S., Poapolathep A.: Occurrence and Health Risk of Patulin and Pyrethroids in Fruit Juices Consumed in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of Food Protection (2017) 80 (9): 1415-1421. (doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-17-026)

15. Roberts D., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Silcock P.: Identifying whiskey adulteration by GC/MS through chemical profiling and differential analysis. American Laboratory (2017) 49 (3): 12-15.
16. Rubert J., Monforte A., Hurkova K., Pérez-Martínez G., Blesa J., Navarro J.L., Stranka M., Soriano J.M., Hajslova J.: Untargeted metabolomics of fresh and heat treatment Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.) milks reveals further insight into food quality and nutrition. Journal of Chromatography A (2017) 1514 (8): 80-87. (doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2017.07.071)
17. Rubert J., Righetti L., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Dzuman Z., Chrpova J., Dall'Asta C., Hajslova J.: Untargeted metabolomics based on ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry merged with chemometrics: A new predictable tool for an early detection of mycotoxins. Food Chemistry (2017) 224: 423-431. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.11.132 )
18. Sabolová M., Johanidesová A., Hasalíková E., Fišnar J., Doležal M., Réblová, Z.: Relationship between the composition of fats and oils and their oxidative stability at different temperatures, determined using the Oxipres apparatus. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2017) 119 (9). (doi: 10.1002/ejlt.201600454)

Sabolová M., Pohořelá B., Fišnar J., Chrpová D., Kouřimská L., Pánek J.: Formation of oxysterols during thermal processing and frozen storage of cooked minced meat. Journal of  the Science od Food and Agriculture (2017) 97(15): 5092-5099. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8386)


Socas-Rodríguez B., Lanková D., Urbancová K., Krtková V., Hernández-Borges J., Rodríguez-Delgado M. A., Pulkrabová J., Hajšlová J.: Multiclass analytical method for the determination of natural/synthetic steroid hormones, phytoestrogens, and mycoestrogens in milk and yogurt. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2017) 409 (18): 4467-4477. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0391-x)

21. Sochorova L., Hanzlikova L., Cerna M., Drgacova A., Fialova A., Svarcova A., Gramblicka T., Pulkrabova J.: Perfluorinated alkylated substances and brominated flame retardants in serum of the Czech adult population. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2017) 220 (2A): 235-243. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.09.003)

Sram R. J., Ambroz A., Dostal M., Honkova K., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Urbancova K., Kosek V., Veleminsky M.,Jr.: THE OSTRAVA REGION, CZECH REPUBLIC: IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION ON CHILDREN’S HEALTH.  PUBLIC HEALTH PANORAMA (2017) 3 (20): 156-164.

23. Stiborova H., Kolar J., Vrkoslavova J., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J., Demnerova K., Uhlik O.: Linking toxicity profiles to pollutants in sludge and sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2017) 321: 672-680. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.09.051)
24. Stranska-Zachariasova M., Kurniatanty I, Gbelcova H., Jiru M., Rubert J., Nindhia T.G.T., D’Acunto C.W., Sumarsono S.H., Tan M.I., Hajslova J., Ruml T.: Bioprospecting of Turbinaria macroalgae as a potential source of health protective compounds. Chemistry & Biodiversity (2017), 14 (2): e1600192. (doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201600192)

Stupak M, Kocourek V., Kolouchova I., Hajslova J.: Rapid approach for the determination of alcoholic strength and overall quality check of various spirit drinks and wines using GC–MS. Food Control (2017) 80: 307-313 (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.05.008)


Sumikova T., Chrpova J., Dzuman Z., Salava J., Sterbova L., Palicova J., Slavikova P., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Mycotoxins content and its association with changing patterns of Fusarium pathogens in wheat in the Czech Republic. World Mycotoxin Journal (2017) 10 (2) 143-151. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2016.2133)

27. Urbancova K., Lankova D., Rossner P., Rossnerova A., Svecova V., Tomaniova M., Veleminsky M., Jr., Sram R. J., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Evaluation of 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites in urine of Czech mothers and newborns. Science of the Total Environment (2017) 577: 212–219. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.165)

Vytejčková S., Vápenka L., Hradecký J., Dobiáš J., Hajšlová J., Loriot C., Vannini L., Poustka J.: Testing of polybutylene succinate based films for poultry meat packaging. Polymer Testing (2017) 60: 357–364. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2017.04.018)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72105 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2017 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72106] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2016 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2016 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications



Ambroz A., Vlkova V., Rossner P. Jr., Rossnerova A., Svecova V., Milcova A., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J., Veleminsky M. Jr., Solansky I., Sram R. J.: Impact of air pollution on oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in mothers and their newborns. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2016) 219: 545–556. (doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.05.010)


Chrpova J., Sip V., Sumikova T., Salava J., Palicova J., Stockova L., Dzuman Z., Hajslova J.: Occurrence of fusarium species and mycotoxins in wheat grain collected in the Czech Republic. World Mycotoxin Journal (2016) 9: 317-327. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2015.1917)


Dzuman Z., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Vaclavikova M., Tomaniova M., Veprikova Z., Slavikova P., Hajslova J.: The fate of free and conjugated mycotoxins within the production of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2016) 64: 5085-5092. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00304)


de Jong J., López P., Mol H., Baeten V., Fernández Pierna J. A., Vermeulen P., Vincent U., Boix A., von Holst C., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J., Yang Z., Han L., MacDonald S., Haughey S. A., Elliott C. T.: Analytical strategies for the early quality and safety assurance in the global feed chain: Approaches for nitrogen adulterants in soybean meal and mineral and transformer oils in vegetable oils. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2016) 76: 203–215. (doi:10.1016/j.trac.2015.11.003)


Huml L., Miksatkova P., Novy P., Drabek O., Sabolova M., Fiedlerova V., UmarM., Tejnecky V., Pohorela B., Kourimska L., Maskova E., Tulin A., Lapcik O.,Kokoska L.: Fatty acids, minerals, phenolics and vitamins in the seeds of Inocarpus fagifer, a Pacific Island underutilized legume. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (2016) 89, 264-+. (doi: 10.5073/JABFQ.2016.089.034)


Lankova D., Urbancova K., Sram R.J., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: A novel strategy for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon monohydroxylated metabolites in urine using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2016) 408: 2515–25. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-9350-1)


Loula M. Transfer, Kaňa A., Vosmanská M., Koplík R., Mestek O.: Transfer of thallium from rape seed to rape oil is negligible and oil is fit for human consumption. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment (2016) 33: 668-673. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2016.1160329)


Mekhanoshina L., Réblová Z.: Content of Polymerised Triacylglycerols in Fat of Fried Foods. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2016) 34: 211-216. (doi: 10.17221/372/2015-CJFS)


Mitrova K., Hrbek V., Svoboda P., Hajslova J., Ovesna J.: Antioxidant activity, s-alk(en)yl-l-cysteine sulfoxide and polyphenol content in onion (allium cepa L.) cultivars are associated with their genetic background. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2016) 34: 127-132. (doi: 10.17221/268/2015-CJFS)


Mulder PPJ, De Nijs M., Castellari M., Hortos M., MacDonald S., Crews C., Hajslova J. and Stranska M.: Occurrence of tropane alkaloids in food. EFSA supporting publication 2016: EN-1140, 200 pp. (doi:10.2903/sp.efsa.2016.EN-1140)


Pazderu, K., Veprikova, Z., Capouchova, I., Konvalina, P., Prokinova, E., Janovska D., Skerikova A., Honsova, H.: Changes in the content of various Fusarium mycotoxins forms in germinating winter wheat and spring barley kernels. Plant Soil and Environment (2016) 62 (1): 42-46. (doi: 10.17221/708/2015-PSE)


Pulkrabova J., Stupak M., Svarcova A., Rossner P., Rossnerova A., Ambroz A., Sram R., Hajslova J.: Relationship between atmospheric pollution in the residential area and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in human breast milkScience of the Total Environment (2016) 562: 640-647. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.013)


Righetti L., Rubert J., Galaverna G., Folloni S., Ranieri R., Stranska-Zachariasova M., Hajslova J., Dall´Asta C.: Characterization and discrimination of ancient grains: A metabolomics approach. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2016) 17:1217-1230. (doi: 10.3390/ijms17081217)


Rubert J., Lacina O., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Saffron authentication based on liquid chromatography high resolution tandem mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis. Food Chemistry (2016) 204: 201–209.  (doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.01.003)


Šrám J. R., Rössner P., Jr, Rössnerová A., Dostál M., Milcová A., Švecová V., Pulkrabová J., Hajšlová J., Velemínský M., Jr: Impact of Air Pollution to Genome of Newborns. Central European Journal of Public Health (2016) 24: S40-S44. (doi: 10.21101/cejph.a4536)


Stiborova H. ,  Branska B.,  Vesela T.,  Lovecka P.,  Stranska M.,  Hajslova J.,  Jiru M.,  Patakova P.,  Demnerova K.: Transformation of raw feather waste into digestible peptides and amino acids. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (2016) 91: 1629–1637. (doi: 10.1002/jctb.4912)


Stranska Zachariasova M. Book review on Masked mycotoxins in food: formation, occurrence and toxicological relevance, edited by C. Dall’Asta and F. Berthiller. World Mycotoxin Journal, 2016; 9 (4): 645-646


Stranska-Zachariasova M., Kastanek P., Dzuman Z., Rubert J., Godula M., Hajslova J.: Bioprospecting of microalgae: Proper extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatographic–high resolution mass spectrometric fingerprinting as key tools for successful metabolom characterization. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences (2016) 1015–1016: 22–33. (doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.01.050)

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72106 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2016 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72107] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2015 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2015 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Cepák V., Přibyl P., Kohoutková J., Kaštánek P.: Optimization of cultivation conditions for fatty acid composition and EPA production in the eustigmatophycean microalga Trachydiscus minutus. Journal of Applied Phycology (2014) 26: 181–190. (doi: 10.1007/s10811-013-0119-z ).
2. Chrpova J., Sip V., Sumikova T., Salava J., Palicova J., Stockova L., Dzuman Z., Hajslova J.: Occurrence of Fusarium species and mycotoxins in wheat grain collected in the Czech Republic. World Mycotoxin Journal (2015) 9 (2): 317-327. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2015.1917 ). 
3. Číhal P.,Vopička O., Pilnáček K., Poustka J., Friess K., Hajšlová J., Dobiáš J., Dole P.: Aroma scalping characteristics of polybutylene succinate based films. Polymer Testing (2015) 46: 108–115. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2015.07.006 ).
4. D’Hollander W., de Voogt P., Herzke D., Huber S., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Brambilla G., Di Filippise S.P., Bervoets L.: Occurrence of perfluorinated alkylated substances in cereals, sweets and fruit items collected in four European Countries. Chemosphere (2015) 129: 179–185. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.011).
5. Dzuman Z., Zachariasova M., Veprikova Z., Godula M., Hajslova J.: Multi–analyte high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry method for control of pesticide residues, mycotoxins, and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Analytica Chimica Acta (2015) 863:  29–40. (doi:10.1016/j.aca.2015.01.021 )
6. Faltusová Z., Chrpová J., Salačová L., Džuman Z., Pavel J., Zachariášová M., Hajšlová J., Ovesná J.: Effect of Fusarium culmorum Tri Gene Transcription on Deoxynivalenol and D3G Levels in Two Different Barley Cultivars. Journal of Phytopathology (2015) 163: 593-603. (doi: 10.1111/jph.12359 ).
7. Horáčková Š., Mühlhansová A., Sluková M., Schulzová V., Plocková M.: Fermentation of soymilk by yoghurt and bifidobacteria strains. Czech Journal of Food Sciences  (2015) 33 (4): 313-319. (pdf )
 8. Hrbek V.,  Ovesná J., Demnerová K.,  Hajšlová J.: Využití superkritické fluidní chromatografie pro lipidomické profilování sójového a kravského mléka: Autenticita a detekce falšování. Chemické listy (2015) 109: 518-526. (pdf )
9. Janda M., Šašek V., Chmelařová H., Andrejch J., Nováková M., Hajšlová J., Burketová L., Valentová O.: Phospholipase D affects translocation of NPR1 to the nucleus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science (2015) 6, Article number 59, 11p. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00059).
10. Kubec R., Urajová P., Lacina O., Hajšlová J., Kuzma M., Zápal J.: Allium Discoloration: Color Compounds Formed during Pinking of Onion and Leek. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2015) 63: 10192-10199. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04564)
11. Lankova D., Svarcova A., Kalachova K., Lacina O., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Multi-analyte method for the analysis of various organohalogen compounds in house dust. Analytica Chimica Acta (2015) 854: 61–69. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2014.11.007).
12. Kubec R., Urajová P., Lacina O., Hajšlová J., Kuzma M., Zápal J.: Allium Discoloration: Color Compounds Formed during Pinking of Onion and Leek. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2015) 63 (46): 10192–10199. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04564 )
13. Mališová K., Koplík R., Mestek O.: Speciation of mercury in terrestrial plants using vapor generation and liquid chromatography–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Analytical Letters (2015) 48: 2446–2462. (doi: 10.1080/00032719.2015.1039017 )
14. Mastovska K., Sorenson W.R., Hajslova J., Perez R., Betz J., Perez S., Keide K., Misunis M., Wang J., Jabusch J., Schmitz J., Stepp J., Hammack W., Cook J.M., Lopez-Sanchez P., Lizak R., Wenzl T., Drabova L., Pulkrabova J., Binkley J., Staples D., Pugh S., Taffe B., Rosmus J., Bousova K., Mittendorf K.: Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: Collaborative study. Journal of AOAC International (2015) 98: 477–505. (doi: 10.5740/jaoacint.15-032).
15. Réblová Z., Součková Š., Fišnar J., Koplík R.: Prooxidant capacity of thermoxidised plant oils. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2015) 33: 416-423. (pdf )
16. Rubert J., Lacina O., Fauhl-Hassek C., Hajslova J.: Metabolic fingerprinting based on high resolution tandem mass spectrometry: a reliable tool for wine authentication? Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2015) 406: 6791–6803. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-014-7864-y).
17. Rubert J., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Advances in high-resolution mass spectrometry based on metabolomics studies for food – a review. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A. (2015) 32: 1685–1708. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2015.1084539 )
18. Sevenich R., Bark F., Kleinstueck E., Crews C., Hradecky. J., Reineke K., Lavilla M., Martinez-de-Maranon I., Briand JC.: The impact of high pressure thermal sterilization on the microbiological stability and formation of food processing contaminants in selected fish systems and baby food puree at pilot scale. Food Control. (2015) 50: 539-547. (doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2014.09.050)
19. Stiborova H., Vrkoslavova J., Lovecka P., Pulkrabova J., Hradkova P., Hajslova J., Demnerova K.: The aerobic biodegradation of selected polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in wastewater sludge. Chemospehere (2015) 118: 315–321. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.048).
20. Stiborova H., Vrkoslavova J., Pulkrabova J., Poustka J., Hajslova J., Demnerova K.: Dynamics of brominated flame retardants removal in contaminated wastewater sewage sludge under anaerobic conditions. Science of The Total Environment (2015) 533: 439–445. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.131 ).
21. Svihlikova V., Lankova D., Poustka J., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and other halogenated compounds in fish from the upper Labe River basin. Chemospehere (2015) 129: 170–178. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.096).
22. Vaclavik L., Capuano E., Gökmen V., Hajslova J.: Prediction of acrylamide formation in biscuits based on fingerprint data generated by ambient ionization mass spectrometry employing direct analysis in real time (DART) ion source. Food Chemistry (2015) 173: 290–297. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.09.151).
23. Vaclavikova M., Dzuman Z., Lacina O., Fenclova M., Veprikova Z., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Monitoring survey of patulin in a variety of fruit-based products using a sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS analytical procedure. Food Control (2015) 47: 577–584. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2014.07.064).
24. Veprikova Z., Zachariasova M. , Dzuman Z., Zachariasova A., Fenclova M., Slavikova P., Vaclavikova M., Mastovska K., Hengst D., Hajslova J.: Mycotoxins in Plant-Based Dietary Supplements: Hidden Health Risk for Consumers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2015) 63: 6633-6643. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b02105 ).
25. Vermeulen P., Nietner T., Haughey S. A., Yang Z., Tena N., Chmelarova H., van Ruth S., Tomaniova M., Boix A., Han L., Elliott C. T., Baeten V., Fauhl-Hassek C.: Origin authentication of distillers’ dried grains and solubles (DDGS)—application and comparison of different analytical strategies. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2015) 407 (21): 6447-61. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-015-8807-y ).
26. Žitný R., Landfeld A., Skočilas J., Štancl J., Flegl V., Zachariášová M., Jírů M., Houška M.: Hydraulic characteristic of collagen. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2015) 33: 479–485. (pdf )

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72107 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2015 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72108] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2014 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2014 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Cajka T., Vaclavikova M., Dzuman Z., Vaclavik L., Ovesna J., Hajslova J.: Rapid LC-MS-based metabolomics method to study the Fusarium infection of barley. J. Sep. Sci. (2014) 37:912–919. (doi: 10.1002/jssc.201301292).
2. Dzuman Z., Vaclavikova M., Polisenska I., Veprikova Z., Fenclova M., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in analysis of deoxynivalenol: Investigation of the impact of sample matrix on results accuracy. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2014) 406:505–514. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-013-7463-3).
3. Dzuman Z., Zachariasova M., Lacina O., Veprikova Z., Slavikova P., Hajslova J.: A rugged high-throughput analytical approach for the determination and quantification of multiple mycotoxins in complex feed. Talanta (2014) 121:263–272. (doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.12.064).
4. Fisnar J., Dolezal M., Reblova Z.: Tocopherol losses during pan-frying. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2014) 116(12): 1694-1700. (doi: 10.1002/ejlt.201400188)
5. Forstova V., Belkova B., Riddellova K., Vaclavik L., Prihoda J., Hajslova J.: Acrylamide formation in traditional Czech leavened wheat-rye breads and wheat rolls. Food Control (2014) 38:221–226. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.10.022).
6. Hloušková V., Lanková D., Kalachová K., Hrádková P., Poustka J., Hajšlová J., Pulkrabová J.: Brominated flame retardants and perfluoroalkyl substances in sediments from the Czech aquatic ecosystem. Sci. Total. Environ (2014) 470–471:407–416. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.074).
7. Hrbek V., Ovesná J., Demnerová K., Hajšlová J.: Lze využít metabolomické profilování pro autenticitu geneticky modifikované sóji?: pilotní studie. Chem. Listy, (2014) 108: 875-881. (pdf )
8. Hrbek V., Vaclavik L., Elich O., Hajslova J.: Authentication of milk and milk-based foods by direct analysis in real time ionization–high resolution mass spectrometry (DART–HRMS) technique: a critical assessment. Food Control (2014) 36:138–145. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.08.003).
9. Kahl, J., Bodroza-Solarov, M., Busscher, N., Hajslova, J., Kneifel, W., Kokornaczyk, M.O., van Ruth, S., Schulzova, V., Stolz, P.: Status quo and future research challenges on organic food quality determination with focus on laboratory methods. J. Sci. Food Agr.,  (2014) 94: 2595-2599. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6553).
10. Kouřimská L., Sabolová, M., Dvořáková B., Roubíčková I., Pánek J., Nový P.: Antioxidant activity of Lamiaceae herbs grown under organic and conventional farming. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica (2014) 45(1):19–25. (doi: 10.7160/sab.2014.450103).
11. Kovacova J., Kocourek V., Kohoutkova J., Lansky M., Hajslova J.: Production of apple-based baby food: changes in pesticide residues. Food Addit. Contam. A (2014) 31:1089–1099. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2014.912356).
12. Krtkova V., Schulzova V., Lacina O., Hrbek V., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J.: Analytical strategies for controlling polysorbate-based nanomicelles in fruit juice. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., (2014)  406: 3909-3918. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-014-7823-7).
13. Pudil F., Uvíra R., Janda V.: Volatile compounds in stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus L. ex Pers.) at different stages of growth. Eur. Sci. J. (2014) 10:163–171. (pdf)
14. Rubert J., Lacina O., Fauhl-Hassek C., Hajslova J.: Metabolic fingerprinting based on high resolution tandem mass spectrometry: a reliable tool for wine authentication? Anal. Bioanal. Chem., (2014) 406: 6791-680. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-014-7864-y).

Zachariasova M., Cuhra P., Hajslova J.: Cross reactivity of rapid immunochemical methods for mycotoxins detection towards metabolites and masked mycotoxins: the current state of knowledge. World Mycotoxins Journal (2014), 7 (4): 449–464. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2014.1701)

16. Zachariasova M., Dzuman Z., Veprikova Z., Hajkova K., Jiru M., Vaclavikova M., Pospichalova M., Florian M., Hajslova J.: Occurrence of multiple mycotoxins in European feedingstuffs, assessment of dietary intake by farm animals. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech. (2014) 193:124–140. (doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2014.02.007).

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72108 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2014 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72109] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2013 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2013 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Cajka T., Danhelova H., Zachariasova M., Riddellova K., Hajslova J.: Application of direct analysis in real time ionization–mass spectrometry (DART–MS) in chicken meat metabolomics aiming at the retrospective control of feed fraud. Metabolomics (2013) 9:545–557. (doi: 10.1007/s11306-013-0495-z).
2. Cajka T., Danhelova ., Vavrecka A., Riddellova K., Kocourek V., Vacha F., Hajslova J.: Evaluation of direct analysis in real time ionization–mass spectrometry (DART–MS) in fish metabolomics aimed to assess the response to dietary supplementation. Talanta (2013) 115: 263-270. (doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2013.04.025).
3. Dellatte E., Brambilla G., De Filippis S. P., di Domenico A., Pulkrabova J., Eschauzier C., Klenow S., Heinemeyer G., de Voogt P.: Occurrence of selected perfluorinated alkyl acids in lunch meals served at school canteens in Italy and their relevance for children’s intake. Food Addit. Contam. A, (2013), 30:1590–159 (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2013.813648).
4. Drabova L., Tomaniova M., Kalachova K., Kocourek V., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Application of solid phase extraction and two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry for fast analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils. Food Control (2013) 33: 489–497. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.03.018).
5. Drabova L., Pulkrabova J., Kalachova K., Tomaniova M., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in canned fish and seafood products: smoked versus non-smoked products. Food Addit. Contam. A (2013) 30:5152–527. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2012.755645).
6. Herzke D., Huber S., Bervoets L., D’Hollander W., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Brambilla G., De Filippis S. P., Klenow S., Heinemeyer G., de Voogt P.:PFAS in vegetables collected in four European countries; raw and processed products. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., (2013), 20(11):7930–7939 (doi:10.1007/s11356-013-1777-8).
7. Hlouskova V., Hradkova P., Poustka J., Brambilla G., SDe Filipps. P., D´Hollander W., Bervoets, L. Herzke D., Huber S., de Voogt P., Pulkrabova J.:Occurrence of PFASs in various food items of animal origin collected in four European countries. Food Addit. Contam. A, (2013), 30 (11): 1918–1932. (doi: 10.1007/s11356-013-1777-8).
8. Hloušková V., Lanková D., Kalachová K., Hrádková P., Poustka J., Hajšlová J., Pulkrabová J.: Occurrence of brominated flame retardants and perfluoroalkyl substances in fish from the Czech aquatic ecosystem. Sci. Total. Environ. (2013) 461–462:88–98. (doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.04.081).
9. Hradkova P., Poustka J., Pulkrabova J., Hlouskova V., Kocourek V., Llorca M., Farre M., Barceló D., Hajslova J.: A fast and simple procedure for determination of perfluoroalkyl substances in food and feed: a method verification by an interlaboratory study. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., (2013) 405: 7817–7827 (doi: 10.1007/s00216-013-6962-6).
10. Hubert J., Nesvorna M., Hujslova M., Stara J., Hajslova J., Stejskal V.: Acarus siro and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acari: Acarididae) transfer of Fusarium culmorum into germinated barley increases mycotoxin deoxynivalenol content in barley under laboratory conditions. International Journal of Acarology (2013) 39: 235–238. (doi:10.1080/01647954.2013.770794).
11. Kalachova K., Cajka T., Sandy C., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: High throughput sample preparation in combination with gas chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS): a smart procedure for (ultra)trace analysis of brominated flame retardants in fish. Talanta (2013) 105:109–116.(doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2012.11.073).
12. Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Cajka T., Drabova L., Stupak M., Hajslova J.: Gas chromatography–triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry: A powerful tool for the (ultra)trace analysis of multi-class environmental contaminants in fish and fish feed. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., (2013) 405: 7803–7815 (doi: 10.1007/s00216-013-7000-4).
13. Kaňa A., Koplík R., Eichler Š., Mestek O.: Software solution for post-column isotope dilution liquid chromatography – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Anal. Lett. (2013), ), 46: 2430–2443 (doi: 10.1080/00032719.2013.800534).
14. Kouřimská L., Panovská Z., Legarová V., Pacáková Z.: Correlation of sensory and physiochemical properties of selected apple cultivars. Acta Alimentaria, An International Journal of Food Science (2013), 208–219. (doi: 10.1556/AAlim.42.2013.2.8).
15. Kovacova J., Hrbek V., Kloutvorova J., Kocourek V., Drabova L., Hajslova J.: Assessment of pesticide residues in strawberries grown under various treatment regimes. Food Addit. Contam. A (2013) 30: 2123–2135. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2013.850537 )
16. Lankova D., Kockovska M., Lacina O., Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Rapid and simple method for determination of hexabromocyclododecanes and other LC–MS/MS-amenable brominated flame retardants in fish. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., (2013) 405:7829–7839 (doi:10.1007/s00216-013-7076-x).
17. Lankova D., Lacina O., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: The determination of perfluoroalkyl substances, brominated flame retardants and their metabolites in human breast milk and infant formula. Talanta (2013), 117: 318–325. (doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.08.040 )
18. Malachova A., Sulyok M., Schuhmacher R., Berthiller F., Hajslova J., Veprikova Z., Zachariasova M., Lattanzio V.M.T., De Saeger S., Di Mavungu J.D., Malysheva S.V., Biselli S., Winkelmann O., Breidbach A., Hird S., Krska R.: Collaborative investigation of matrix effects in mycotoxin determination by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spektrometry. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods (2013) 5:91–103. (doi:10.3920/QAS2012.0213).
19. Martinez-Villalba A., Vaclavik L., Moyano E., Galceran M.T., Hajslova J.: Direct analysis in real time high-resolution mass spectrometry for high-throughput analysis of antiparasitic veterinary drugs in feed and food. Rapid. Commun. Mass. Spectrom. (2013) 27:467–475. (doi:10.1002/rcm.6466).
20. Petersson E.V., Arif U., Schulzova V., Krtková V., Hajšlová J., Meijer J., Andersson H.C., Jonsson L., Sitbon F.: Glycoalkaloid and calystegine levels in table potato cultivars subjected to wounding, light, and heat treatments. J. Agr. Food Chem. (2013) 61:5893-5902. (doi: 10.1021/jf400318p).
21. Réblová Z., Peprná T.: Představují tuky a oleje po smažení zdravotní riziko? Chem. Listy (2013) 107: 271-276. (pdf).
22. Sevenich R., Bark F., Crews C., Anderson W., Pye C., Riddellova K., Hradecky J., Moravcova E., Reineked K., Knorr D.: Effect of high pressure thermal sterilization on the formation of food processing contaminants.  Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 20:42–50 (2013). (doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2013.07.006)
23. Sousa M.A., Lacina O., Hrádková P., Pulkrabová J., Vilar V. J.P., Gonçalves C., Boaventura R. A.R., Hajšlová J., Alpendurada M.F.: Lorazepam Photofate under Photolysis and TiO2-assisted Photocatalysis: Identification and Evolution Profiles of By-products formed during Phototreatment of a WWTP Effluent. Water Res., (2013), 47:5584–5593. (doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.06.029).
24. Średnicka-Tober D., Barański M., Gromadzka-Ostrowska J., Skwarło-Sońta K., Rembiałkowska E., Hajslova J., Schulzova V., Çakmak I., Öztürk L., Królikowski T., Wiśniewska K., Hallmann E., Baca E., Eyre M., Steinshamn H., Jordon T., Leifert C.: Effect of crop protection and fertilization regimes used in organic and conventional production systems on feed composition and physiological parameters in rats. J. Agr. Food Chem (2013) 61: 1017–1029. (doi: 10.1021/jf303978n).
25. Vaclavik L., Ovesna J., Kucera L., Hodek J., Demnerova K., Hajslova J.: Applic.ation of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS) metabolomic fingerprinting to characterize GM and conventional maize varieties. Czech J. Food Sci. (2013), (pdf).
26. Vaclavik L., Mishra A., Mishra K., Hajslova J.: Mass spectrometry-based metabolomic fingerprinting for screening cold tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2013) 405:2671–2683. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-012-6692-1).
27. Vaclavik L., Belkova B., Reblova Z., Riddellova K., Hajslova J.: Rapid monitoring of heat-accelerated reactions in vegetable oils using direct analysis in real time ionization coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry. Food Chem. (2013) 138:2312–2320.(doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.12.019).
28. Václavíková M., Malachová A., Vepříková Z., Džuman Z., Zachariášová M., Hajšlová J.: ‘Emerging’ mycotoxins in cereals processing chains: Changes of enniatins during beer and bread making. Food Chem. (2013) 136:750–757. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.08.031).

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72109 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2013 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72110] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2012 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2012 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Cajka T., Sandy C., Bachanova V., Drabova L., Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Streamlining sample preparation and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of multiple pesticide residues in tea. Anal. Chim. Acta (2012) 743:51–60. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2012.06.051).
2. Danhelova H., Hradecky J., Prinosilova S., Cajka T., Riddellova K., Vaclavik L., Hajslova J.: Rapid analysis of caffeine in various coffee samples employing direct analysis in real time ionization–high-resolution mass spectrometry. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2012) 403:2883–2889. (doi:10.1007/s00216-012-5820-2).
3. Drabova L., Pulkrabova J., Kalachova K., Tomaniova M., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Rapid determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in tea using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography coupled with Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. Talanta (2012) 100:207–216. (doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2012.07.081).
4. Čechovská L., Konečný M., Velíšek J., Cejpek K.: Effect of the Maillard reaction on reducing power of malts and beers. Czech J. Food Sci. (2012) 30: 548–556. (pdf).
5. Eichler Š, Vosmanská M., Hofmanová E., Koplík R., Mestek O.: Analýza anorganických specií selenu s využitím HPLC a ICP/MS pro sledování mobility selenu v inženýrských bariérách jaderného úložiště. Chem. Listy (2012) 106: 189–194. (pdf).
6. Hrádková P., Pulkrabová J., Kalachová K., Hloušková V., Tomaniová M., Poustka J., Hajšlová J.: Occurrence of halogenated contaminants in fish from selected river localities and ponds in the Czech Republic. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (2012) 62:85–96. (doi: 10.1007/s00244-011-9681-z).
7. Joudalová K., Réblová Z.: Dietary Intake of antioxidants in the Czech Republic. Czech J. Food Sci. (2012) 30: 268–275. (doi: pdf).
8. Kalachova K., Hradkova P., Lankova D., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J.: Occurrence of brominated flame retardants in household and car dust from the Czech Republic. Sci. Total. Environ. (2012) 441:182–193. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.09.061).
9. Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Cajka T., Drabova L., Hajslova J.: Implementation of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of halogenated contaminants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2012) 403:2813–2824. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-012-6095-3).
10. Lacina O., Zachariasova M., Urbanova J., Vaclavikova M., Cajka T., Hajslova J.: Critical assessment of extraction methods for the simultaneous determination of pesticide residues and mycotoxins in fruits, cereals, spices and oil seeds employing ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A (2012) 1262:8–18. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.08.097).
11. Lojza J., Cajka T., Schulzova V., Riddellova K., Hajslova J.: Analysis of isoflavones in soybeans employing direct analysis in real time ionization–high-resolution mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci. (2012) 35:476–481. (doi: 10.1002/jssc.201100882).
12. Meneely J.P., Quinn J.G., Flood E.M., Hajšlová J., Elliott C.T.: Simultaneous screening for T-2/HT-2 and deoxynivalenol in cereals using a surface plasmon resonance immunoassay. World Mycotoxin J. (2012) 5:117–126. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2011.1351).
13. Mestek O., Komínková J., Šantrůček J., Kačer P., Mališová K., Koplík R.: Analyses of trace metals, peptide ligands of trace metals and mercury speciation in home prepared bread. Chem. Spec. Bioavailab. (2012) 24:79–88. (doi: 10.3184/095422912X13325261626531).
14. Moravcova E., Vaclavik L., Lacina O., Hrbek V., Riddellova K., Hajslova J.: Novel approaches to analysis of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol esters in vegetable oils. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2012) 402:2871–2883. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-012-5732-1).
15. Novotná H., Kmiecik O., Galazka M., Krtková V., Hurajová A., Schulzová V., Rembialkowska E., Hajšlová J: Metabolomic fingerprinting employing DART-TOFMS for authentication of tomatoes and peppers from organic and conventional farming. Food Addit. Contam. A (2012) 29:1335–1346. (doi:10.1080/19440049.2012.690348).
16. Panovská Z., Váchová A. Pokorný J.: Effect of thickening agents on the perceived viscosity and acidity of model beverages. Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. (2012) 30: 442–445. (pdf).
17. Réblová Z.: Effect of temperature on the antioxidant activity of phenolic acids. Czech J. Food Sci. (2012) 30: 171–177. (pdf).
18. Réblová Z., Fišnar J., Tichovská D., Doležal M., Joudalová K.: Effect of temperature and oil composition on the ability of phenolic acids to protect naturally present ?-tocopherol during the heating of plant oils. Czech J. Food Sci. (2012) 30: 351–357.(pdf).
19. Rubert J., Džuman Z., Václavíková M., Zachariášová M., Soler C., Hajšlová J.: Analysis of mycotoxins in barley using ultra high liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry: Comparison of efficiency and efficacy of different extraction procedures. Talanta (2012) 99:712–719. (doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2012.07.010).
20. Schulzová V., Babička L., Hajšlová, J.: Furanocoumarins in celeriac from different farming systems: a 3-year study. J. Sci. Food Agric. (2012) 92:2849–2854. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.5629).
21. Siříšťová L., Přinosilová Š., Riddellová K., Hajšlová J., Melzoch K.: Changes in quality parameters of vodka filtered through activated charcoal. Czech J. Food Sci. (2012) 30:474–482. (pdf).
22. Vaclavik L., Schreiber A., Lacina O., Cajka T., Hajslova J: Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry-based metabolomics for authenticity assessment of fruit juices. Metabolomics (2012) 8:793–803. (doi: 10.1007/s11306-011-0371-7).
23. Vaclavikova M., Malachová A., Veprikova Z., Dzuman Z., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: ‘Emerging’ mycotoxins in cereals processing chains: changes of enniatins during beer and bread making. Food Chemistry 136 (2012): 750–757. 

24. Valterová B., Száková J., Koplík R., Havlík J., Tlustoš P., Mestek O.: Frakcionace a speciace As, Cd a Zn v nadzemní biomase penízku modravého (Thlaspi caerulescens J. & C. Presl). Chem. Listy (2012) 106: 392–397. (pdf).
25. Veprikova Z., Vaclavikova M., Lacina O., Dzuman Z., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Occurrence of mono- and di-glucosilated conjugates of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in naturally contaminated cereals. World Mycotoxin J. (2012) 5:231–240. (doi: 10.3920/WMJ2012.1453).
26. Zachariasova M., Vaclavikova M., Lacina O., Vaclavik L., Hajslova J.: Deoxynivalenol-oligoglycosides: new „masked“ Fusarium toxins occurring in malt, beer and breadstuff. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2012) 60:9280–9291. (doi: 10.1021/jf302069z).

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72110 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2012 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72111] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2011 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2011 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Buřičová L., Andjelkovic M., Čermáková A., Réblová Z., Jurček O., Kolehmainen E., Verhé R., Kvasnička F.: Antioxidant capacity and antioxidants of strawberry, blackberry and raspberry leaves. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29: 181–189. (pdf).
2. Cajka T., Hajslova J.: Volatile compounds in food authenticity and traceability testing. In: Food Flavors: Chemical, Sensory and Technological Properties. H. Jelen (editor), ISBN: 9781439814918, CRC Press (2011) 355–411. (info).
3. Cajka T., Riddellova K., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J.: Ambient mass spectrometry employing a DART ion source for metabolomic fingerprinting/profiling: a powerful tool for beer origin recognition. Metabolomics (2011) 7:500–508. (doi: 10.1007/s11306-010-0266-z).
4. Cajka T., Riddellova K., Zomer P., Mol H., Hajslova J.: Direct analysis of dithiocarbamate fungicides in fruit by ambient mass spectrometry. Food Addit. Contam. A (2011) 28:1372–1382. (doi: 10.1080/19440049.2011.590456).
5. Cajka T., Hajslova J.: Halogenated persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in food. In: Mass Spectrometry in Food Safety: Methods and Protocols. J. Zweigenbaum (editor), ISBN: 978-1617791352, Humana Press (2011) 373–410. (doi: 10.1007/978-1-61779-136-9_15).
6. Capouchova I., Kostelanska M., Erhartova D., Prokinova E., Hajslova J., Skerikova A., Salava J., Pazderu K.: Risks of the Fusarium infestation for bioethanol production from wheat. Listy cukrovarnicke a reparske (2011) 127:95–99.
7. Čechovská L., Cejpek K., Konečný M., Velíšek J.: On the role of 5,6-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-2-methyl-(4H)-pyran-4-one in antioxidant capacity of prunes. Eur. Food Chem. Technol. (2011) 233:367-376. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-011-1527-4).
8. Drábová L., Pulkrabová J., Kalachová K., Hradecký J., Suchanová M., Tomaniová M., Kocourek V., Hajšlová J.: Novel approaches to determination of PAHs and halogenated POPs in canned fish. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29:498–507.
9. Hajslova J., Zachariasova M., Cajka T.: Analysis of multiple mycotoxins in food. In: Mass Spectrometry in Food Safety: Methods and Protocols. J. Zweigenbaum (editor), ISBN: 978-1617791352, Humana Press (2011) 233–258. (doi: 10.1007/978-1-61779-136-9_10).
10. Hajslova J., Cajka T., Vaclavik L.: Challenging applications offered by direct analysis in real time (DART) in food-quality and safety analysis. Trend Anal. Chem. (2011) 30:204–218. (doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2010.11.001).
11. Hamlet C.G., Asuncion L., Velíšek J., Doležal M., Zelinková Z., Crews C.: Formation and occurrence of esters of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol (3-CPD) in foods: What we know and what we assume. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. (2011) 113: 279–303. (doi: 10.1002/ejlt.201000480).
12. Horníčková J., Kubec, R., Velíšek J., Cejpek K., Ovesná J., Stavělíková H.: Changes of S alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxide levels during the growth of different garlic morphotypes. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29:373–381. (pdf).
13. Ilko V., Zelinková Z., Doležal M., Velíšek J.: 3-Chloropropane-1,2-diol fatty acid esters in potato products. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29: 411–419. (pdf).
14. Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Drabova L., Cajka T., Kocourek V., Hajslova J.: Simplified and rapid determination of polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish and shrimps integrated into a single method. Anal. Chim. Acta (2011) 707:84–91. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2011.09.016).
15. Koplík R., Linková M., Mestek O.: Changes of phosphorus and trace element species in rye and oat flakes and oat porridge induced by simulated digestion. Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2011) 232:1007–1016. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-011-1471-3).
16. Kostelanska M., Dzuman Z., Malachova A., Capouchova I., Prokinova E., Skerikova A., Hajslova J.: Effects of milling and baking technologies on levels of deoxynivalenol and its masked form deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2011) 59:9303–9312. (doi: 10.1021/jf202428f).
17. Kostelanska M., Zachariasova M., Lacina O., Fenclova M., Kollos A.-L., Hajslova J.: The study of deoxynivalenol and its masked metabolites fate during the brewing process realised by UPLC-TOFMS method. Food Chem. (2011) 126:1870–1876. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.12.008).
18. Křížová L., Veselý A., Třináctý J., Schulzová V., Hurajová A., Hajšlová J., Kvasničková E., Havlíková Š.: Changes in isoflavones concentrations in cheese during processing and ripening. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2011) 59:153–162.
19. Kubec R., Krejcova P., Simek P., Vaclavik L., Hajslova J., Schraml J.: Precursors and formation of pyrithione and other pyridyl-containing sulfur compounds in drumstick onion, Allium stipitatum. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2011) 59:5763–5770. (doi: 10.1021/jf200704n).
20. Lacina. O., Hradkova P., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J.: Simple, high throughput ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry trace analysis of perfluorinated alkylated substances in food of animal origin: Milk and fish. J. Chromatogr. A (2011) 1218:4312–4321. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2011.04.061).
21. Li Z.-H., Zlabek V., Turek J., Velisek J., Pulkrabova J., Kolarova J., Sudova E., Berankova P., Hradkova P., Hajslova J., Randak T.: Evaluating environmental impact of STPs situated on streams in the Czech Republic: An integrated approach to biomonitoring the aquatic environment. Water Res. (2011) 45:1403–1413. (doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2010.10.032).
22. Malachova A., Dzuman Z., Veprikova Z., Vaclavikova M., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Deoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside, and enniatins: The major mycotoxins found in cereal-based products on the Czech market. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2011) 59:12990–12997. (doi: 10.1021/jf203391x).
23. Meimaridou A., Kalachova K., Shelver W. L., Franek M., Pulkrabova J., Haasnoot W., Nielen M. W. F.: Multiplex screening of persistent organic pollutants in fish using spectrally encoded microspheres. Anal. Chem. (2011) 83:8696–9702. (doi: 10.1021/ac201969z).
24. Modra H., Vrskova D., Macova S., Kohoutkova J., Hajslova J., Haluzova I., Svobodova Z.: Comparison of diazinon toxicity to embryos of Xenopus laevis and Danio rerio; Degradation of diazinon in water. Bull. Envir. Contam. Tox. (2011) 86:601–604. (doi: 10.1007/s00128-011-0273-4).
25. Papousková L., Capouchová I., Kostelanská M., Škeříkova A., Prokinová E., Hajšlová J., Salava J., Faměra O.: Changes in baking quality of winter wheat with different intensity of fusarium spp. Contamination detected by means of new rheological system mixolab. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29:420–429.
26. Peters R., Dam G.T., Bouwmeester H., Helsper H., Allmaier G., Kammer F.V., Ramsch R., Solans C., Tomaniová M., Hajslova J., Weigel S.: Identification and characterization of organic nanoparticles in food. Trend Anal. Chem. (2011) 30:100–112. (doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2010.10.004).
27. Réblová Z.: Vliv vnějších faktorů na aktivitu antioxidantů. Chem. Listy (2011) 105: 667–673. (pdf).
28. Sousa M.A., Goncalves C., Cunha E., Hajslova J., Alpendurada M.F.: Cleanup strategies and advantages in the determination of several therapeutic classes of pharmaceuticals in wastewater samples by SPE-LC-MS/MS. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2011) 399:807–822. (doi: 10.1007/s00216-010-4297-0).
29. Škrbić B., Malachova A., Živančev J., Veprikova Z., Hajšlová J.: Fusarium mycotoxins in wheat samples harvested in Serbia: A preliminary survey. Food Control (2011) 22:1261–1267. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.01.027).
30. Šmidrkal J., Ilko V., Filip V., Doležal M., Zelinková Z., Kyselka J., Hrádková I., Velíšek J.: Formation of acylglycerol chloro derivatives in vegetable oils and mitigation strategy. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29: 448–456. (pdf).
31. Vaclavik L., Hrbek V., Cajka T., Rohlik B.-A., Pipek P., Hajslova J.: Authentication of animal fats using direct analysis in real time (DART) ionization–mass spectrometry and chemometric tools. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2011) 59:5919–5926. (doi: 10.1021/jf200734x).
32. Vaclavik L., Lacina O., Hajslova J., Zweigenbaum J.: The use of high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry coupled to advanced data mining and chemometric tools for discrimination and classification of red wines according to their variety. Anal. Chim. Acta (2011) 685:45–51. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2010.11.018).
33. Velíšek J., Cejpek K.: Pigments of higher fungi: a review. Czech J. Food Sci. (2011) 29: 87–102. (pdf).

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72111 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2011 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72112] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 2010 Publikace / Publications [seo_title] => 2010 Publikace / Publications [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Publikace / Publications


1. Aulický R., Stejskal V., Dohnal P., Kocourek V., Plachý J., Hajšlová J.: Validation of insecticide aerosol generated by smoke-generator for German cockroach control. Int. Pest Control (2010) 52:84–86.
2. Cajka T., Riddellova K., Tomaniova M., Hajslova J.: Recognition of beer brand based on multivariate analysis of volatile fingerprint. J. Chromatogr. A (2010) 1217:4195–4203. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2009.12.049).
3. Cajka T., Riddellova K., Klimankova E., Cerna M., Pudil F., Hajslova J.: Traceability of olive oil based on volatiles pattern and multivariate analysis. Food Chem. (2010) 121:282–289. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.12.011).
4. Cunha S.C., Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Fernandes J.O., Oliveira M.B.P.P., Alves A., Hajslova J.: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) contents in house and car dust of Portugal by pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Chemosphere (2010) 78:1263–1271. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.12.037).
5. Godula M., Zachariasova M., Hajslova J.: Examining the benefits of high resolution mass spectrometry for high throughput screening of priority mycotoxins in food samples. Lab Asia, March 2010, 30–31.
6. Hajslova J., Kalachova K., Drabova L., Kocourek V., Pulkrabova J.: Rapid sample preparation procedure for the simultaneous determination of PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs in fish. Organohal. Comp. (2010) 72.
7. Horníčková J., Kubec R., Cejpek K., Velíšek J., Ovesná J., Stavělíková H.: Profiles of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides in various garlic genotypes. Czech J. Food Sci. (2010) 28:298–308. (pdf).
8. Hrádková P., Poustka J., Hloušková V., Pulkrabová J., Tomaniová M., Hajšlová J. Perfluorinated compounds: occurrence of emerging food contaminants in canned fish and seafood products. Czech J. Food Sci. (2010) 28:326–335.
9. Chrpová, D., Kouřimská, L., Gordon, M.H., Heřmanová, V., Roubíčková, I., Pánek, J.: Antioxidant activity of selected phenols and herbs used in diets for medical conditions. Czech J. Food Sci. (2010) 28: 317–325. (pdf).
10. Kouřimská, L., Chrpová, D., Pánek, J., Kolesárová, L., Legarová, V.: Analytické metody hodnocení účinnosti antioxidantů ve vybraných druzích koření. Chem. Listy (2010) 104:441–444. (pdf).
11. Krajčová A., Schulzová V., Lojza J., Křížová L., Hajšlová J.: Phytoestrogens in bovine plasma and milk – LC-MS/MS analysis. Czech J. Food Sci. (2010) 28:315–325.
12. Lacina O., Urbanova J., Poustka J., Hajslova J.: Identification/quantification of multiple pesticide residues in food plants by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A (2010) 1217:648–659. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2009.11.098).
13. Leitnerová D., Panovská Z., Váchová A., Boháčková B.: Posouzení čichového vnímání prostřednictvím komerčně dostupné sady pachů. Chem. Listy (2010). 104: 861–866. (pdf).
14. Malachova A., Cerkal R., Ehrenbergerova J., Dzuman Z., Vaculova K., Hajslova J.: Fusarium mycotoxins in various barley cultivars and their transfer into malt. J. Sci. Food Agric. (2010) 90:2495–2505. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.4112).
15. Meimaridou A., Haasnoot W., Noteboom L., Mintzas D., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J., Nielen M.W.F.: Color encoded microbeads-based flow cytometric immunoassay for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in food. Anal. Chim. Acta (2010) 672:9–14. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2010.05.005).
16. Mestek O., Komínková J., Koplík R., Šantrůček J., Polák J.: Trace elements distribution and species fractionation in the wheat (Triticum aestivum) plant. Chem. Spec. Bioavailab. (2010) 22:61–70. (doi: 10.3184/095422910X12632366016796).
17. Pulkrabova J., Hradkova P., Vrkoslavova J., Stiborova H., Mackova M., Stavelova M., Kalachova K., Demnerova K., Hajslova J.: Contribution of BFRs and other contaminants to toxicity profiles of the Czech river sediments and sewage sludge. Organohal. Comp. (2010) 72.
18. Pulkrabova J., Lacina O., Lankova D., Kalachova K., Hajslova J.: Novel LC–MS strategy to monitor brominated flame retardants together with their metabolites in food matrices. Organohal. Comp. (2010) 72.
19. Réblová Z., Okrouhlá P.: Ability of phenolic acids to protect ?-tocopherol. Czech J. Food Sci. (2010) 28: 290-297. (pdf).
20. Rohlik B.-A., Pipek P., Pánek J.: The Effect of Natural Antioxidants on the Colour of Dried/Cooked Sausages. Czech J. Food Sci. (2010) 28:249–257. (pdf).
21. Schurek J., Nazafarin L., Kovalczuk T.: Application potential of gas chromatography high speed time-of-flight mass spectrometry system in analysis of pesticides. Part 1. J. Anal. Chem. (2010) 65:1540–1544. (doi: 10.1134/S1061934810140169).
22. Schurek J., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J., Nazafarin L., Kovalczuk T.: Application potential of microextraction in packed syringe coupled with gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry in analysis of brominated flame retardants in waste water. Part 2. J. Anal. Chem. (2010) 65:1545–1548. (doi: 10.1134/S1061934810140170).
23. Stanimirova I., Üstün B., Cajka T., Riddellova K., Hajslova J., Buydens L.M.C., Walczak B.: Tracing the geographical origin of honeys based on volatile compounds profiles assessment using pattern recognition techniques. Food Chem. (2010) 118:171–176. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.04.079).
24. Stavelova M., Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Hradkova P., Kovar M., Demnerova K., Hajslova J.: PBDEs, HBCD and other non-PBDEs flame retardants in car dust sampled in the Czech Republic in 2009. Organohal. Comp. (2010) 72.
25. Stern P., Panovska Z., Pokorny, J.: Psychorheology of food dispersions. Journal of Hydrology and hydromechanics.(2010) 29–35. (doi: 10.2478/v10098-010-0004-2).
26. Svobodová J., Křížová L., Pavlík A., Schulzová V., Hajšlová J., Lojza J.: The effect of soybean-derived phytoestrogens on concentrations of plasma 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin F2a and progesterone in dairy cows. Acta Vet. Brno (2010) 79:525–532. (doi: 10.2754/avb201079040525).
27. Vaclavik L., Zachariasova M., Hrbek V., Hajslova J.: Analysis of multiple mycotoxins in cereals under ambient conditions using direct analysis in real time (DART) ionization coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Talanta (2010) 82:1950–1957. (doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2010.08.029).
28. Vaclavik L., Rosmus J., Popping B., Hajslova J.: Rapid determination of melamine and cyanuric acid in milk powder using direct analysis in real time-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A (2010) 1217:4204–4211. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.03.014).
29. Vrana B., Mills G.A., Leonards P.E.G., Kotterman M., Weideborg M., Hajlova J., Kocourek V., Tomaniova M., Pulkrabova J., Suchanova M., Hajkova K., Herve S., Ahkola H., Greenwood R.: Field performance of the Chemcatcher passive sampler for monitoring hydrophobic organic pollutants in surface water. J. Environ. Monit. (2010) 12:863–872. (doi: 10.1039/B923073D)
30. Vrkoslavová J., Demnerová K., Macková M., Zemanová T., Macek T., Hajšlová J., Pulkrabová J., Hrádková P., Stiborová H.: Absorption and translocation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) by plants from contaminated sewage sludge. Chemosphere (2010) 81:381–386. (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.07.010).
31. Zachariasova M., Cajka T., Godula M., Malachova A., Veprikova Z., Hajslova J.: Analysis of multiple mycotoxins in beer employing (ultra)-high resolution mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2010) 24:3357–3367. (doi: 10.1002/rcm.4746).
32. Zachariasova M., Hajslova J., Godula M.: Multimycotoxin screening and quantitation in beer samples using UHPLC and high resolution and accurate mass approach. Am. Lab. (2010) 3:15–21.
33. Zachariasova M., Lacina O., Malachova A., Kostelanska M., Poustka J., Godula M., Hajslova J.: Novel approaches in analysis of Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals employing ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta (2010) 662:51–61. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.12.034).

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Publikace / Publications


1. Cajka T., Hajslova J., Pudil F., Riddellova K.: Traceability of honey origin based on volatiles pattern processing by artificial neural networks. J. Chromatogr. A (2009) 1216:1458–1462. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2008.12.066).
2. Cejpek K., Maloušková I., Konečný M., Velíšek J.: Antioxidant activity in variously prepared elderberry food and supplements. Czech J. Food Sci.( 2009) 27:S45–S48. (pdf).
3. Cejpek K., Velíšek J.: Advances in the chemistry of isothiocyanate-derived colorants. Czech J. Food Sci.( 2009) 27:S207–S210. (pdf).
4. Čmejlová K; Panovská Z.; Váchová A., Lukešová D.: Time intensity study of sweeteners. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009). 27: S327–S329. (pdf).
5. Doležal M., Kertisová J., Zelinková Z., Velíšek J.: Analysis of bread lipids for 3-MCPD esters. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27: S417–S420. (pdf).
6. Kalachová K., Pulkrabová J., Hrádková P., Poustka J., Hajšlová J.: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs in dust samples from Czech households. Organohal. Comp. (2009) 71:2320–2324.
7. Konečný M., Cejpek K., Čechovská L., Velíšek J.: Transformation pathways of reductones in the advanced Maillard reaction. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27: S149–S152. (pdf).
8. Kostelanska M., Hajslova J., Zachariasova M., Malachova A., Kalachova K., Poustka J., Fiala J., Scott P.M., Berthiller F., Krska R.: Occurrence of deoxynivalenol and its major conjugate, deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside, in beer and some brewing intermediates. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2009) 57:3187–3194. (doi: 10.1021/jf803749u).
9. Krajcova A. Schulzova V., Hajslova J., Bjelkova M.: Lignans in flaxseed. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27:S252–S255.
10. Lacmanova I., Pazlarova J., Kostelanska M., Hajslova J.: PCR-based identification of toxinogenic Fusarium species. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27:90–94.
11. Lojzova L., Riddellova K., Zrostlikova J., Schurek J., Cajka T.: Alternative GC–MS approaches in the analysis of substituted pyrazines and other volatile aromatic compounds formed during Maillard reaction in potato chips. Anal. Chim. Acta (2009) 641: 101–109. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.03.036).
12. Macova S., Harustiakova D., Kolarova J., Machova J., Zlabek V., Vykusova B., Randak T., Velisek J., Poleszczuk G., Hajslova J., Pulkrabova J., Svobodova Z.: Leeches as sensor-bioindicators of river contamination by PCBs. Sensors (2009) 9:1807–1820. (doi: 10.3390/s90301807).
13. Martinek P., Klem K., Vanova M., Bartackova V., Vecerkova L., Bucher P., Hajslova J.: Effects of nitrogen nutrition, fungicide treatment and wheat genotype on free asparagine and reducing sugars content as precursors of acrylamide formation in bread. Plant Soil Envir. (2009) 55:187–195.(pdf).
14. Mestek O., Koplík R.: Dual detector calibration of PE-Elan inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers. Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) (2009) 54:1245–1252.
15. Panovská Z., Štern P., Váchová A., Lukešová D., Pokorný J.: Textural and flavour characteristics of commercial tomato ketchup. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009). 27:165–170. (pdf).
16. Panovská Z., Váchová A., Řeřichová J.: Sensitivity of assessors to different ferrous salts. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009). 27: S333-S336. (pdf).
17. Polák J., Mestek O., Koplík R., Šantrůček J., Komínková J., Kodíček M.: Trace elements species fractionation in rye flour and rye (Secale cereale L.) seedlings. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27:39–48. (pdf).
18. Pulkrabova J., Hrádková P., Hajšlová J., Poustka J., Nápravníková M., Poláček V.: Brominated flame retardants and other organochlorine pollutants in human adipose tissue samples from the Czech Republic. Environ. Int. (2008) 35:63–68. (doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2008.08.001).
19. Pulkrabova J., Suchanova M., Hajslova J., Kocourek V., Tomaniova M.: Passive sampling of water and porous media for monitoring of organic pollutants. Chemicke Listy (2009) 103:159–165.
20. Pulkrabova J., Kalachova K., Drabova L., Cajka T., Poustka J., Hajslova J.: Rapid method for simultaneous determination of PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs in fish samples. Organohal. Comp. (2009) 71:2230–2235.
21. Rajchl A., Čížková H., Voldřich M., Lukešová D., Panovská Z.: Methoxypyrazines in Sauvignon Blanc Wines, Detection of Addition of Artificial Aroma. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27: 259–266. (pdf).
22. Randak T., Zlabek V., Pulkrabova J., Kolarova J., Kroupova H., Siroka Z., Velisek J., Svobodova Z, Hajslova J.: Effects of pollution on chub in the River Elbe, Czech Republic. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. (2009) 72:737–746. (doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2008.09.020).
23. Réblová Z., Tichovská D., Doležal M.: Heating of plant oils – fatty acid reactions versus tocopherols degradation. Czech J. Food Sci. (2009) 27:S185–S187. (pdf).
24. Schulzova V., Hajslova J., Peroutka R., Hlavasek J., Gry J., Andersson H.C.: Agaritine content of 53 Agaricus species collected from nature. Food. Addit. Contam. (2009) 26:82–93. (doi: 10.1080/02652030802039903).
25. Stavelova M., Pulkrabova J., Hradkova P., Kalachova K., Zlamalikova J., Stiborova H., Poustka J., Kovar M., Mackova M., Demnerova K., Hajslova J.: PBDEs and HBCD in sewage sludge and river sediments in the Czech Republic: A 3-year survey (2006–2008). Organohal. Comp. (2009) 71:631–636.
26. Trinacty J., Krizova L., Schulzova V., Hajslova J., Hanus O.: The effect of feeding soybean-derived phytoestogens on their concentration in plasma and milk of lactating dairy cows. Arch. Anim. Nutr. (2009) 63:219–229. (doi: 10.1080/17450390902859739).
27. Váchová A., Panovská Z., Lukešová D.: The selection of optimal rate of acid and sweet taste for lemon flavoured drops. Czech J. Food Sci.: (2009). 27, 330–332.
28. Vaclavik L., Cajka T., Hrbek V., Hajslova J.: Ambient mass spectrometry employing direct analysis in real time (DART) ion source for olive oil quality and authenticity assessment. Anal. Chim. Acta (2009) 645:56–63. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.04.043).
29. Velíšek J., Hajšlová J. a kol.: Chemie potravin I, II, nakladatelství OSSIS,Tábor, 2009, ISBN 978-80-86659-17-6. (info).
30. Zelinková Z., Doležal M., Velíšek J.: Occurrence of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol fatty acid esters in infant and baby foods. Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2009) 228: 571–578. (doi: 10.1007/s00217-008-0965-0).
[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72090] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Archive [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] => [iduzel] => 72090 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72113 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/publications-en/2009 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )

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